Tham Kruba Khao Phi - LP0032

Grottocenter / carte


Wat Sam Yot is about 1 km south-west of the H106 between Pa Phlu and Ban Hong. The rockshelter is an hour's walk from Wat Sam Yot and is difficult to find without a guide Martin Ellis - 26/04/2020


Martin Ellis - 26/04/2020

Tournier's guide said there was an impressive pothole about an hour's walk north of the temple. Nearer to Wat Sam Yot there is a small cave with water.


Bibliography 26/04/2020


Tournier Thierry 2009 toune - 26/05/2013

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
4.7Tham Luang Pha Wiang - LP000151017
12.8Tham Erawan [LP0012]32513
16.0Thip Nimit Ra (Tham) [LP0013]750
19.5TML4 (Cave) [LP0047]
19.5Toh Nam (Tham) [LP0039]2000
20.1Pha Daeng (Tham) [LP0043]
20.2Ma Fa (Tham) [LP0044]1000
21.3Tap Ngae (Tham) [LP0037]
21.9Tham Russi - LP0002100