Tham Huai Pom Phi - KA0456

Longueur 73m Profondeur 3m
Grottocenter / carte


2 hrs walk from the Thi Khong ranger station. It is a resurgence at the bottom of a small crag/ Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

After 50m you reach deep water and after a further 20m the cave turns a 90¦ corner and sumps.


Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

OAKLEY, PHIL; SMART, DEAN (2002) - Grade UISv2 3-3-F


Bibliography 22/09/2019
  • OAKLEY, PHIL (2003) "Swimming with King Cobras" Descent No. 172 pp32-33 OAKLEY, PHIL; SMART, DEAN (2002) "Reconnaissance Cave Expedition in the Thungyai Naresuan West Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand April 2002" Royal Forest Department, Bangkok. Unpublished report 12pp


The cave was explored and surveyed by Dean Smart, Terry Bolger, Phil Oakley and Paul Johnson on 6 April 2002. Martin Ellis - 22/09/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.9Huai Phlu Resurgence - KA0461
4.3Resurgence KA462 - KA0462
6.3Huai Pom Phi Flood Overflow Sink - KA0450
6.4Huai Pom Phi Sink - KA0451
6.5Tham Mahuema - KA0445274125
7.2Shaft KA457 - KA04571010
8.5Huai du Ngae Sink - KA0455
10.0Tham Stit - KA0399250
11.0Cave KA0446 - KA0446