Casem (Grotte di)

(ولسوالی کشم - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Various information

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Marco Polo (note 1) noticed inhabited caves at Kishm (note 2): This town of Casem [note 3] is at the head of a very great province, which is also called Casem. The people have a peculiar language. The peasants who keep cattle abide in the mountains, and have their dwellings in caves, which form fine and spacious houses for them, and are made with ease, as the hills are composed of earth. After leaving the town of Casem, you ride for three days without finding a single habitation, or anything to eat or drink, so that you have to carry with you everything that you require. At the end of those three days you reach a province called Badashan [Badakshan].


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Yule, Henry 1871 edited 1875 edited 1920 by Cordier, Henri.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
13.2Darra-i Kur
13.5HAZAR GUSFAND (Ghar i)
45.9Hazarsum, Takhar
47.7FEYZABAD (Cave at)
347.0Osama Bin Laden (Tahkhana ke)
357.0Кан-и-Гут [Kan-i-Gut] [Kani-i-Gut Cave] [grotte-mine de Kan-i-Gut]5300180
361.6Kargah (Cave in the)
377.5YUKSH GOZ (Caves at)