THINKRA (Cave below)

(Tipaimukh - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A rockshelter or cave under big rock in gorge in which Ursula Graham Bower took picnic on her march from Kangreng (note 1) to Thinkra (note 2), a place poised on another sandbank at head of the Bara Hatea. Sandbank lower down avalanching into the river with loud bangs all the time, and making water very foul. […] Bara Hatea camp failed to materialise, so we go up to Talbung [note 3] from here. Went down gorge. Very large boulders and much scrambling [… and] picniced in cave under big rock in gorge (Graham Bower, U (1937-1940 Mss: Diaries kept on visits to Manipur and North Cachar: 23.11.1938). Compare the cave near –>Longkaiphum (Lonkaiphun).A rockshelter or cave under big rock in gorge in which Ursula Graham Bower took picnic on her march from Kangreng (note 1) to Thinkra (note 2), a place poised on another sandbank at head of the Bara Hatea. Sandbank lower down avalanching into the river with loud bangs all the time, and making water very foul. […] Bara Hatea camp failed to materialise, so we go up to Talbung [note 3] from here. Went down gorge. Very large boulders and much scrambling [… and] picniced in cave under big rock in gorge (Graham Bower, U (1937-1940 Mss: Diaries kept on visits to Manipur and North Cachar: 23.11.1938). Compare the cave near –>Longkaiphum (Lonkaiphun).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1938.11.23: Ursula Graham Bower picniced in cave under big rock in gorge, and then came back with escort of locals. Fine moon, sat outside basha and sang and got decidedly wonky [crooked; off-center; askew] on moonlight and Jeff's cocktails, ate large curry dinner, and so to bed (Graham Bower, U (1937-1940 Mss: Diaries kept on visits to Manipur and North Cachar). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
15.9CACHAR CAVE (Smaller)
15.9Yoni Dvara, Bhuban Pahar
27.7BUKPUI, Thanlon
30.1LONGKAIPHUM, Longkaiphun (Cave near)
45.0Tonglon Cave
54.2THANGJING HILL (Caves on)
57.6CHANDIKA WELL, Kacha Kanthi
63.0Kang Mang Chin (Cave on)