Tham Pha Yai - LO0122

เอราวัณ (TH)
Longueur 150m Profondeur 5m
Grottocenter / carte


Two kilometres to the east of Ban Si Ubon Rattana take a road to the north heading for an isolated hill and the wat. Behind the wat buildings take a path to the right to a kuti and then a vague path up the hill for 20m to a slightly more distinct path. Go right for about 50m to the entrance. Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

The small entrance has a good draught and opens into a 20m diameter chamber. Various routes at the back of the chamber loop around and link up.


2009-04-05 (M. Ellis, I. Hollis) Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Tham Nam Lei - LO0125303
4.0Tham Phu Pha Mai Tai - LO0127
6.4Tham Ruesi [LO0186]
6.7Tham Phu Pha Sana - LO0126
7.1Pha Sam Bon (Tham) [LO0143]
7.6Phra That Chedi (Tham) [LO0147]
8.2Cave [LO0187]13036
8.2Cave LO0190603
8.3Khao San Hin (Tham) [LO0115]751