Tham Cha-Ang 9 - CB0025

Grottocenter / carte


Approach via the H315 from Chonburi, then H3284 to Ban Nong Samet. Cross the H331 and take the H3340 to Bo Thong. From here it is 4.6km on a minor road to a signpost "Khao Cha-Ang 3km". There is a belt of seven limestone hills several kilometres apart in a thick forest area. The cave is in the sixth hill from the temple. Martin Ellis - 16/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 16/06/2019

There is a legend that a monk claimed to have seen two serpents resembling a naga with crests 50cm high on their heads. He followed them as they slithered away, finding the cave. Bones and potsherds were found here.


Bibliography 16/06/2019
  • DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 124pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Khao Cha-Ang Song Khrueang [Tham Cha-Ang 6] [CB0022]100
0.0Tham Cha-Ang 7 - CB0023
0.0Tham Cha-Ang 10 - CB0026
0.3Khao Cha-ang On (Tham) [Khao Cha-ang Oune] [CB0040]
7.7[Tham Khao Cha-Ang Ha Yot] [Tham Kao Hayo] [Tham Cha-Ang 4] [CB0020]
7.7Tham Khao Mee [Tham Cha-Ang 2] [CB0018]
7.7Tham Lab Lae [Tham Cha-Ang 3] [Tham Lub Lae] [CB0019]
7.8Tham Khao Cha-Ang [Tham Cha-Ang 1] [Tham Khang Khao] [Tham Kao Cha An Ont ] [CB0017]
8.2Tham Nam [Tham Cha-Ang 5] [CB0021]