Rapasan 2 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

What appears to be a an almost overlooked entrance sinkhole (without identified shape or dimensions) beyond the attention of effective sports cavers, which is allegedly formed relatively high (without comparison for scale) in a relatively large doline (without identified size or characteristic peculiarities), and somehow descends for an unidentified depth not only down to a so-called drying frame (probably the unidentified remains of a bat trap) and unspecified animal bones but also to an interior, partly daylight-lit, and south-east facing cave entrance, which gave the impression of being an estimated 5 m by 5 m large. It was only down here where cave encroachers discovered an access to the relic of an estimated 30 m or 40 m long cave passage containing secondary calcite deposits (speleothems) in the shape of what looked like moonmilk, cave pearls [pisoliths], curtains, stalactites and stalagmites (compiled after -Davidson- (Arbenz?) 2010.02.22 dated -23.3.2007- [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapaan 2; Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Krem Rapasan 2). SITUATION: About 690 m in a direct line due east of the central road junction in the village of Umkyrpong (25°26'04”N: 92°34'48”E) and without identified spatial relation to the first Krem –>Rapasan, but on the one-hand side at the base of a steeply descending sinkhole (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Krem Rapasan 2: Description) but also comparatively high in a relatively large doline without identified size or characteristic peculiarities, and, last but not least, in the open air and on the surface presumably more or less above a so-called Breng Inlet (note 1), a subterranean tributary cave passage of Krem –>Mankrem. APPROACH 1: Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Krem Rapasan 2) commands to Contour north from the football pitch of Umkhyrpong [note 2] village bearing right [sic! qua: into an unidentified direction] into an a grike [also: gryke] after 600 m [note 3]. Follow the path, keepingleft [sic! qua: an unidentified direction] over the edge of a [relatively] large doline [without identified dimensions]. The [cave] entrance lies [relatively] high [without comparison for scale] in this doline, heading right (south-east) off the path for about 100 m (note 4). APPROACH 2: Allegedly -Davidson- (Arbenz? 2010.02.22 dated -23.3.2007- [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapasan 2.doc): contour North from the football pitch, bearing right into a grike. After 600 m follow the path, keeping left, ascending over the edge of a large doline. POSITIONS: All WGS84 (epe ±15 m) and indicating an elevation of 795 m asl: N25°26'08.8”: E092°35'12.1” (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss) N25°26'8.08”: E092°35'12.1” (allegedly -Davidson- = Arbenz? 2010.02.22 dated -23.3.2007- [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapsan2_Rec.doc) N25°26'08.1”: E092°35'12.1” (Arbenz, T 2010.04.14 Mss: Pala Positions.xlsx). SPELEOMETRY: The estimated passage length of the entirely surveyed cave (allegedly -Davidson- = Arbenz? 010.02.22 dated -23.3.2007- [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapasan 2.doc) varies between nothing (note 5), about 30 m (Davidson 2010.02.19 undated Mss), and 40 m (Arbenz, T 2010.04.14 Mss: Pala Positions.xlsx: Krem Rapsan 2). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010a: Deleted: Fossil feeder cave, possibly lying above Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010b: Choked, relic feeder cave, possibly lying / leading into Krem Man Krem at Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010c: Probably connected to Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem but choked with calcite (Anonymous Davidson, Ross undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Cave Description). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010d: Choked, relic feeder cave, possibly leading into Krem Man Krem at Breng Inlet (Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010d: Probably connected to Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem, but choked with calcite (Arbnz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007: Cave Description). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: Bat hunting ground: Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson: Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007) noticed in the partly daylight-lit entrance sinkhole what he couldn't help but identify as a drying frame but is suspected to represent the scaffolding of what had been in February 2010 an unused bat trap. CAVE LIFE: Arbenz, T (2010.02.22 Mss Davidson: Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007) has None observed in the face of obviously visible but, of course, unspecified animal bones in entrance sinkhole.010.02.22 dated -23.3.2007- [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapasan 2.doc) varies between nothing (note 5), about 30 m (Davidson 2010.02.19 undated Mss), and 40 m (Arbenz, T 2010.04.14 Mss: Pala Positions.xlsx: Krem Rapsan 2). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010a: Deleted: Fossil feeder cave, possibly lying above Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010b: Choked, relic feeder cave, possibly lying / leading into Krem Man Krem at Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010c: Probably connected to Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem but choked with calcite (Anonymous Davidson, Ross undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Cave Description). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010d: Choked, relic feeder cave, possibly leading into Krem Man Krem at Breng Inlet (Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010d: Probably connected to Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem, but choked with calcite (Arb010.02.22 dated -23.3.2007- [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapasan 2.doc) varies between nothing (note 5), about 30 m (Davidson 2010.02.19 undated Mss), and 40 m (Arbenz, T 2010.04.14 Mss: Pala Positions.xlsx: Krem Rapsan 2). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010a: Deleted: Fossil feeder cave, possibly lying above Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010b: Choked, relic feeder cave, possibly lying / leading into Krem Man Krem at Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem (Anonymous [Davidson] undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010c: Probably connected to Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem but choked with calcite (Anonymous Davidson, Ross undated 2010.02.19 Mss: Cave Description). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010d: Choked, relic feeder cave, possibly leading into Krem Man Krem at Breng Inlet (Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007: Evaluation). CAVE POTENTIAL 2010d: Probably connected to Breng Inlet in Krem Man Krem, but choked with calcite (Arbnz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007: Cave Description). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: Bat hunting ground: Arbenz, T 2010.02.22 Mss Davidson: Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007) noticed in the partly daylight-lit entrance sinkhole what he couldn't help but identify as a drying frame but is suspected to represent the scaffolding of what had been in February 2010 an unused bat trap. CAVE LIFE: Arbenz, T (2010.02.22 Mss Davidson: Krem Rapasan 2, 23.3.2007) has None observed in the face of obviously visible but, of course, unspecified animal bones in entrance sinkhole.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.19: Ross Davidson, Derek Pettiglio, and Henry B. Dawson claim to have surveyed the entire cave (allegedly 'Davidson' 2010.02.22 dated '23.3.2007' [sic!] Mss: Krem Rapasan 2.doc) yielding fully exercised futility. Such an activity, however, in neither confirmed by Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc), where neither Ross Davidson nor Derek Pettiglio or Henry B. Dawson have done anything on 19th February 2010, nor by Brooks, Simon J et al (2010.03.29 Mss: Survey summary.xls), where neither Krem Rapasan nor Krem Rapasan 2 is mentioned. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1AA SINKHOLE (Davidson 2010)
0.1Rapasan (Krem)
0.3DAIT KRONG, 1st (Krem)
0.3DAIT KRONG, 3rd (Krem)
0.4DAIT KRONG, 2nd (Krem)
0.4LUM LAKHAM 3 (Brooks 2010) (Krem)
0.4LUM LAKHAM 2 (Brooks 2010) (Krem)
0.5MANKREM (Krem)