Ere Mawhar (Krem)

(Ranikor - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/03/2016

A locally known pothole cave called »Ere Mawhar« recorded Kharpran Daly (1997 Mss item no. 3) from somewhere in the vicinity of »Nongkyllam« (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: The initially recorded cave name »Krem Ere Mawhar« (Kharpran Daly 1997 Mss item 3) has later been spelled »Krem Ere Mahan« (KHARPRAN DALY 2006 s.a.: 19). The Khasi "maw har" appears to mean a pair of rocks or boulders (note 2) but "ere" is a little difficult to identify (note 3). The other "Krem Ere Mahan" possibly neither means »Dangerous Duck's Cave« nor »Uncle Duck's Cave« but, perhaps, »Cave [at the] Rocks [of the] Sudden Battle« (note 4). SITUATION (Brooks 2002.05.25 Mss): According to information gained on »14/2/1« (2001.02.14) from unacknowledged »locals« (nameless residents) at the villages of »Nongallon« (sic! qua: Nongkhyllam) or »Nongri« (sic! qua: Nongjri N25°14'50”: E091°07'45” WGS84).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/03/2016

NOTE 1: »Nongkyllam« (Kharpran Daly 1997 Mss item no. 3) is the village of Nongkhyllam (N25°14'40”: E091°08'30” WGS84), which lies 9 or 10 km along the road east of Kulang (also: Nongkulang, Kuang, Kelang, Nonkalong N25°14'55”: E091°04'05” WGS84 modified from Everest 1830, Survey of India Half-Inch series sheet 78-O/SW edition 1917). NOTE 2: The Khasi (Bengali) noun "ka har" is the word for »a condition« and »a pair« (generally said of plough-bullocks) but the Khasi adverb "har“ means »all kinds of« and is generally used with "rukom", the »manner, custom, way« (SINGH, N 1906: 81, 176). NOTE 3: Not "ere" as such but the Khasi noun "ka eire" signifies »something (already said or understood)« (SINGH, N 1906: 75) and the adjective "èr" means »like the appearance of a sudden burst of flames« while the noun "ka 'er" is an abbreviation of "ka lyer" and means »the air, the wind, a breeze« (SINGH, N 1906: 76). NOTE 4: The Khasi adjective "má" means »dangerous, frightful« and "i ma" is the word for the »maternal uncle« while the noun "ka 'ma" is an abbreviation of "ka thma" and signifies »a battle, a campaign« (SINGH, N 1906: 126). The Khasi (Hindi loan word) "hán" is the word for a »duck« (SINGH, N 1906: 81).


Bibliography 28/03/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.02.16-17: Brian D. Kharpran Daly (1997 Mss item no. 3) recorded the cave name »Krem Ere Mawhar.« 1998.02.16-17: »Nongkulang … During a recce on the 16th and 17th February 1998, members of the Meghalaya Adventurers' Association recorded the name of … Krem Ere Mahan …« (KHARPRAN DALY 2006 s.a.: 19). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/03/2016

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