(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

The 6 m wide and 1.7 m high cave entrance faces south-east and gives access to a dimly daylight-light entrance chamber (up to 7 m wide, representatively 1.7 m high, 25 m long) which descends 10 m or 12 m on foot across soil, lesser and lesser vegetation, and more and more rocks north-west to intersect a zig-zagging, tributary cave passage (on average one or two metres wide and 4 m to 5 m high), of which the downstream branch (note 1) leads (drains) some 70 m on foot west and joins the eastern (orographically left) of the so-called "Virgin River" (khasified Wah Thei Sotti) which flows along the mastercave passage of Krem –>Kotsati. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi cave name "Krem Wah Jajew" signifies a "krem" or cave (entrance) above the banks of a "wah" or stream specified by and, perhaps, well-thought-of for a growth of »a plant of sourish taste« known as "u jajew" (Khasi; noun), binomial imitative "u jajew jajap" (SINGH, N 1906: 97). SITUATION: Just beneath the Lakadong Sandstone caprock, east of the National Highway NH44, and 650 m in a direct line due north from the huge concrete church (±30 m 25°10'41”N: 92°22'28”E) in the village of Lumshnong.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

NOTE 1: The upstream branch leads 50 m zigzaggingly east to a collapse (blocked not only by "fence-sitting" (undecided) Heteropoda spiders but also by dislocated boulders) close to the surface.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.3LALIT (Krem)
0.3Washing Place Inlet
0.3WAH LARENG (Jarratt 1997) (Umpohliew)
0.3KULIANG, Umkiang (Caves near)
0.4Scorpion Cave
0.5THLOO, Lumshnong (Synrang)
0.5LABIT, Lumshnong (Lanong 1999) (Krem)
0.5LABIT, Lumshnong (Jarratt 1999) (Krem)