Tham Khao Phlu 2 {CP0120]

ชุมโค (TH)
Longueur 50m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


The cave is in moo 3 tambon Chum Kho, 2km from the tambon office, near Tham Nam Lot (CP0024). Take the H4 north from Chumphon town for some 38 km until you reach Tha Sae. Turn right at the intersection onto the H3201, signposted for the airport, and travel 17 km to the town of Pathio. In the town turn left onto the H3253 and travel about 2 km until you reach Wat Tham Khao Phlu on the left. The caves are at the top of the stairs you see when entering the temple. Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019



Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019

Bryocyclops muscicoloides Watiroyram, 2018 (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Maxilliopoda, Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae) û type locality (Watiroyram 2018)

Hydrology and Geology

Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019

Water was 24.0¦C, pH 7.8 conductivity 310 uS cm-1

Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019

To reach the other two caves you must follow the path to the left. The first cave you come too has an iron door which we found unlocked. This cave goes some 30 m into the mountain and has also been made into a place of worship.


Bibliography 01/08/2019


The caves were home to Luang Por Cheep Bunyasaro 2016-11-25 S. Watiroyram - biological collecting Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Tham Khao Phlu - CP0025100
0.1Khao Phlu 3 (Tham) [CP0121]300
0.6Tham Nam Lot - CP00243000
7.2Tham Nang Thong [CP0115]
8.3Tham Thale Sap - CP0067
8.5Yai Ai (Tham) [CP0023]500
9.7Tham Silawan - CP007840015
9.7Tham Chong - CP0062100
10.5Tham Phitsadan - CP00753000