Kids' Cave - CM0132

ทุ่งข้าวพวง (TH)
Longueur 151m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is located on the western cliffs of the southern end of Doi Pha Daeng, a few hundred metres south of a hill tribe village not marked on the 1978 edition 1:50,000 maps and on the opposite side of the massif to Ban Tham Klaeb. Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019



Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019

A 10 m wide entrance arch leads via a large, steeply sloping boulder strewn passage to the final boulder choked pit after 30 m. The floor of the pit can be reached by a climb down boulders. At the foot of this climb a drop through boulders leads to a 45¦ rift which terminates in a mud choke after 50 m. Continuing to the far end of the pit there are two ways on: a 2 m drop to a short passage and a small chamber in boulders and a 5 m climb up a stalagmite bank to a short, but very well decorated, passage. Just inside the entrance arch a dusty chamber may be entered through a 1 m high arch where a 4 m pitch leads to another low chamber. The way on at the foot of this is a 0.5 m wide rift that draughts a little, but becomes impassable after 3m. Daylight penetrates almost the entire cave. This appears to be an abandoned stream sink. The passage descends steeply down dip and is in an advanced stage of breakdown. Many of the smaller passages are simply alcoves in boulders. The cave is well decorated throughout. This appears to be an abandoned stream sink. The passage descends steeply down dip and is in an advanced stage of breakdown. Many of the smaller passages are simply lcoves in boulders. The cave is well decorated throughout.


Bibliography 27/06/2019
  • FARRANT, ANDREW; FLOWER, SIMON; LEE, SIMON (2001) "UBSS Expedition to Northern Thailand" University of Bristol Spelaeological Society Proceedings Vol. 22 No. 2
[Topo] Kids\' Cave 04/05/2019


Kid's Cave was explored and surveyed by the UBSS in 2000. Martin Ellis - 27/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Sink BSS 2000-11 - CM0135
0.8Mud Cave - CM0133300
1.2Tham Huai Luk - CM003975818
1.8Cave BSS 2000-12 - CM0136110
2.4Tham Klaeb - CM003317620
2.4Tham Ngung Chang - CM0034500
3.8Tham Klaeb Yai [Tham Pha Daeng] [Tham Ngam] [CM0035]219020
3.8Cave PHD8 - CM0037101
4.0Tham Long [Tham Rong] [CM0045]500