Kanan Country Caves
Unidentified »caves in the mountains most dreary and dark, inaccessible to the rays of the sun, cold, and of difficult access« reports the comparatively »ancient« (mediaeval?) Vahu Purana, a Sanskrit geography describing the area west of the mythical Mount Meru, from the »country called Kanan or Kanana« (ATKINSON 1882, 11 edited 1981, vol. 2, part 1: 295-296). DESCRIPTION: »The portion lying between the Pushpaka and Mahamegha mountains is as flat as the palm of the hand, devoid of trees and with very little water which is whitish. The soil is hard and tenacious and without grass. There are few animals and the few inhabitants have no fixed habitation. The whole country is called Kanan or Kanana. There are several large lakes, likewise great trees and larger groves called Kanta. There are caves here in the mountains most dreary and dark, inaccessible to the rays of the sun, cold, and of difficult access« (Vahu Purana in: ATKINSON 1882, 11 edited 1981, vol. 2, part 1: 295-296). IDENTITY 1882: The »country called Kanan or Kanana« (Vahu Purana) »can be no other than Bisahr, including Kunaor [note 1], the Kunu of the Tibetans and still celebrated for its vines, oranges [Citrus reticulate] and apricots. The inhabitants were called Kinnaras, hodie Kunets« (ATKINSON 1882). IDENTITY 2007: »Kanan or Kanana« (Vahu Purana) seems to be the populated place indicated as »Kanum« (N31°38': E078°27') on the »Hindustan - Tibet Road« (AMS sheet NH44-01 Chini, U502 series, 1956 edition) and as »Kanam« next to a symbol for monastery (India Road Atlas, Eicher Goodearth 2006: 6 D2) above »Spello« on the locally north-west (orographically right) bank of the Sutlej River.
NOTE 1: »Kunaor« (ATKINSON 1882), currently known as Kinnaur N31°35': E078°25' (nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003) on AMS sheet NH44-01.
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
11.6 | TOMBA WODAR | ||
15.6 | Hopeha Wodar | ||
16.1 | Tidung (Caves on the) | ||
24.1 | Nuru Caves | ||
24.3 | LALANTI CAVES | ||
31.5 | Yullang Cave | ||
50.4 | PHO GOMPA, Tabo | ||
67.2 | Sarang Rock Shelters | ||
94.6 | Bharku Caves |