(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A collapse doline with vertical walls, which was estimated to be 10 m by 15 m wide and 9 m wide, probably has a width/depth ratio larger than 1. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified -- if one exists -- for what once had been christened Monument Pot because it is 1. neither a pot (note 1) nor a pothole (note 2) but a collapse doline (note 3) and 2. somehow associated with a monument (note 4) in the sense of an unspecified kind of structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event. SITUATION: The Monument Pot (note 5) was found in an unknown setting and is said to lie at an estimated distance of about 500 m or 600 m approximately south-east from the village of Mawkhlain and the GPS position recorded for the Monument Pot indicates a location about 1.5 km in a direct line approximately south-east of Mawlong. APPROACH: Follow main track from Mawlong quarry past track down to the longer Krem Lyngar obvious collapse on LHS path i sandstone (Rob Harper 2001 February Mss -Monument Pot- undated). CAVE DESCRIPTION: On the northern side of the closed depression is a route (a handline is helpful) down to a boulder cone in the centre of the dubious object without obvious cave passage. The stream sink (dry in February 2001) without accessible cave passage is suspected to represent a blocked cave entrance to the (interrupted) cave system of Krem –>U Priang (Mawlong) and Krem –>Lyngar. CULTURAL HISTORY: None noticed (Rob Harper 2001 February Mss -Monument Pot- undated).A collapse doline with vertical walls, which was estimated to be 10 m by 15 m wide and 9 m wide, probably has a width/depth ratio larger than 1. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified -- if one exists -- for what once had been christened Monument Pot because it is 1. neither a pot (note 1) nor a pothole (note 2) but a collapse doline (note 3) and 2. somehow associated with a monument (note 4) in the sense of an unspecified kind of structure erected to commemorate a famous or notable person or event. SITUATION: The Monument Pot (note 5) was found in an unknown setting and is said to lie at an estimated distance of about 500 m or 600 m approximately south-east from the village of Mawkhlain and the GPS position recorded for the Monument Pot indicates a location about 1.5 km in a direct line approximately south-east of Mawlong. APPROACH: Follow main track from Mawlong quarry past track down to the longer Krem Lyngar obvious collapse on LHS path i sandstone (Rob Harper 2001 February Mss -Monument Pot- undated). CAVE DESCRIPTION: On the northern side of the closed depression is a route (a handline is helpful) down to a boulder cone in the centre of the dubious object without obvious cave passage. The stream sink (dry in February 2001) without accessible cave passage is suspected to represent a blocked cave entrance to the (interrupted) cave system of Krem –>U Priang (Mawlong) and Krem –>Lyngar. CULTURAL HISTORY: None noticed (Rob Harper 2001 February Mss -Monument Pot- undated).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.07: Rob Harper checked out (2001 February Mss 'Monument Pot' undated; 2002.04.31 Mss: megahlay.doc # 16). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1PRIANG, Mawkhlain (Krem U)
0.2LYNGAR (Krem)
0.3SOH SHYMPI 3, Aerodrome Pot (Krem)
0.4DOLING (Krem U)
0.5UMSHAI (Krem)
0.6SOH SHYMPI 2, daylight window (Krem)
0.6SOH SHYMPI (Krem)
1.0DIENG SYNREM, Mawlong (Krem)
1.7SODOIT (Krem)