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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Two cave entrances (allowing circular visitor mass management) in Triassic Gondwana Sandstone give access to a natural sacred cave (temple cave), which is formed along a fault, contains a venerated lingam representing Shiva or Mahadeo (note 1), attracts pilgrims, and is used and exploited as religious show cave (note 2) complete wit a mela (annual fair, kermis). SITUATION: North of Salbardi (note 3), a village about 10 or 15 km along the road due north of Morsi / Morshi (note 4) in Maharashtra but already in the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh state. The temple cave is suspected to correspond to the Temple marked north of Salbardi on AMS sheet NF44-09 Nagpur (U502 series, 1959 edition) at a spot about 1 or 2 km south-west of a hill (without name) culminating at 1598 feet (487 m asl). Reconstructing the cave entrance's position N21°25'50-: E078°01'10- (unidentified geodetic datum probably Everest 1830) from CHANDRA DAS, M (1997: 28 geological map), the Shiva cave at Salbardi lie about 80 km in a direct line west of –>Kapileshwar Cave in the Katol tahsil (Kelod town). SITUATION 1925: The village of Salbardi is said to lie partly in Betul and partly in Amraoti district, 44 miles [71 km] south of Badnur [note 5] and 40 miles [64 km, probably along the road] north-east of Amraoti [note 6]. The portion included in the Betul district contains a natural cavern inside which is placed a lingam, which is worshipped on Shivaratri day [note 7] … (HIRA LAL 1925: 33-35). SITUATION 2007: Salbardi is accessible by bus from Morsi / Morshi via Pala (note 8). A private bus may stop short of a single-lane concrete bridge (without railings) across a riverbed (mostly dry in February 2002) about one or two kilometre short of the Shiva cave at Salbardi. Proceeding on foot, one walks initially along a riverbed and later upstream in a tributary valley from an unidentified -right-hand side- (sic!). Parts of the trail are improved with railings and steps and the final bit ascends to th cave entrance (note 9). On one or the other -left-hand side- (sic!) of the trail and about 100 m or 200 m short of the Salbardi Mahadeo Gumpha, there is a rock shelter (see –>Salbardi Saddhu Cave) which, on occasion of the mela (annual religious fair, kermess, kermis), was inhabited by a saddhu (after Andre Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die).GEOLOGICAL SITUATION (CHANDRA DAS 1997: 27): Sedimentary patches idenified as Gondwanas occur along a strong zone of structural disturbance known as Gawilgarh (Gavilgarh) Fault along the foothills of the ENE-WSW trending Satpura range between Narha (N21°23'20”: E075°54'00”) in the west and Dhamandas (N20°29'00”: E078°09'50”) and Junkari (N21°26'15”: E078°03'30”) in the east. The geological set-up in Salbardi and Junkari area comprises mainly of the Gondwana sandstone overlain by the Lametas and followed upward Deccan Trap basalts. At some places in the fault zone the sandstone are in juxtaposition with th Deccan Traps and have been intruded by a dolerite dyke which is exposed at Salbardi in the Maru river bed and also near Junkari in nala section. The general trend of the sandstones in this area is North 65° East to South 65° West dipping 10° to 20° towards NW. This rock is medium to coarse grained, generally gritty and shows cross bedding. It is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar, which is kaolinised at places. UPADHYAY et al. (1996: 65-70) report from infratrappean (Lameta) calcareous cherty sandstone, which overlies the Gondwana group of rocks, an Uranium mineralisation (up to 227 ppm U3O8) in the Dhamandas- Salbardi- Narha tract. This Uranium mineralisation in the sandstones is mostly in the form of adsorbed uranium associated with goethite and suspected organic matter. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1925: The cave is a deep hollow, reached by a circuitous underground passage through a series of precipitous metamorphic rocks [note 10]. The roof consists of the same material, from which, somhow or other, water oozes out and in small drops slowly falls on the lingam placed beneath it … Inside the cave all is dark, and one has to go accompanied by a barber [note 11] with a masâl (torch). There are cracks in the rock at some places, whence a little dim light can be seen. The place where the Mahadeo is installed is a fairly high hall wihch can accommodate 100 or more persons. Adjoining it there is another hall with any amount of guano manure, which the bats furnish. This is called the bâri or field, where the Mahadeo grows ganja [hemp, Cannabis sativa] and dhatura [a kind of thornapple, Solanaceae: Datura fastuosa], both of which crops are invisible to physical eyes … A long subterranean passage leading towards the north is yet unexplored [note 12] … There are two passages by which people enter or leave the cave (HIRA LAL 1925: 33-35). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2007: Meandering iron railings constructed from water pipes regulate the pilgrim's mass traffic in front of the cave. The ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)walked upstream in a tributary valley past several unexplored and not mapped caves and rock shelters, including the –>Salbardi Saddhu cave. Additionally he was told of an unidentified -cave- (?) called Biam Cundi (see –>Bhimkund, Pala), allegedly as large as the cave of Shiva at Salbardi. Investigating the accumulated cave sediments and radioactivity in the air (Radon) may be surprising. CAVE LIFE: The guano manure, which the bats furnish (HIRA LAL 1925: 33-35) can be interpreted to indicate the presence of Chiroptera.ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)ave itself is aligned along a fissure in the rock, possibly of gravitational origin (more likely: a structural disturbance of tectonic origin). A smooth and straight, amply man-sized rift passage descends steeply across stairs estimated 10 vertical metre down and leads to an estimated 30 m long gallery or chamber on the left-hand side. Here, there are cult spots both on the left and right while a statue of Shiva is put up in the centre, complete with a lingam guarded by cobras (naga serpents). To the left and right of the main cult spot, there are level (levelled?) niches at a hip's height in the cave's wall, which are designed to serve dwelling purposes and sleeping activities. Opposite across the point of entry ascends another flight of steps, which is shorter than the stair used to enter, and leads to the exit (note 13) (after Abele 2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die). CAVE POTENTIAL: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss -Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi- dated 20.2. Die)walked upstream in a tributary valley past several unexplored and not mapped caves and rock shelters, including the –>Salbardi Saddhu cave. Additionally he was told of an unidentified -cave- (?) called Biam Cundi (see –>Bhimkund, Pala), allegedly as large as the cave of Shiva at Salbardi. Investigating the accumulated cave sediments and radioactivity in the air (Radon) may be surprising. CAVE LIFE: The guano manure, which the bats furnish (HIRA LAL 1925: 33-35) can be interpreted to indicate the presence of Chiroptera.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1925: HIRA LAL (1925) described the cave after having visited it. 2007.02.20: Andre Abele (2007.02.20 Mss 'Schiwahöhle bei Salbardi' dated 20.2. Die), following a hint by H. D. Gebauer, drove by bus from Amravati / Amraoti to Morsi, changed for a connecting bus to Salbardi, walked upstream to the cave, visited and took digital photographs. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
5.7BHIVKUNDI, Narho Nadi