Khou Ha Sackalin (Tham)

(ເມືອງຈອມເພັດ - LA)
Profondeur 0m
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[5158] The cave is reached after a 30 minute walk from Ban Xiang Men. It is located close to the monastery Wat Khoum Khoun. The confluence of the Nam Kham River and the Mekong is visible on the shore of the Mekong opposite the cave [6097] N 19° 54,143' E 102° 08,527', 237m Map sheet: E48-001 Methode: from lit. DREYBRODT JOERG - 23/06/2024


DREYBRODT JOERG informations

Frédéric Urien - 23/06/2024

Cave description: ? Citation: ? Analysis: [5158]: >> survey >> shown on map [3713]: >> shown on map [3721] située en rive droite et à proximité du Mekong, face au Wat Xieng Thong; buddha statues [3539]: list& development [67] right bank of the mekong, opposite of Luang Prabang, a staircase leads from the banks to the entrance of the cave. The cave of Vat Ping belongs to the monastery which is located there. The cave rooms lead about 600m into the mountain to a spring, whose waters are co.... Many of the Buddha statues in he cave are made of wood and brought there by pilgrims. In the left part of the entrance area, a room is reached through a rift, which is filled with gilded Buddha statues [3650]: Luang Phabang, across the river from Wat Xieng Thong. temple in a limestone cave, unremarkable except for the rural setting [3722]: pic Mouret 1997: face à Luang Prabang, en rive droite du Mékong, est une grotte fossile constituée d'un galerie parallèle au Mékong et à l'horizontale des couches, recevant trois galeries affluentes remontantes le long du pendage développement: environ 250 m). Cette grotte est creusée dans un remarquable grainstone à Brachiopodes non brisés et à Crinoides. Elle est aménagée pour les pratiques religieuses et renferme aussi un certain nombre de statues. The cave consists of a large main passage that runs parallel to the Mekong (in W-E direction). Steps lead to a platform with a stupa and continue to the lower part of the cave. Perpendicular to the main passage there are three other passages that ascend for about 15-20 m each. The most western of these passages contains some Buddha statues. A succession of two small chambers to the left of the cave entrance also contains wooden Buddha figures [5158] [6097]Tham (Wat) Xiang Men (= Tham Khou Ha Sackalin) [8525]: only fauna records [9406]: Fecenia cylindrata Thorell, 1895 [...] LAOS: Luang Prabang Prov.: near Luang Prabang: Tham Sieng Mang, 19°54'09''N, 102°08'32''E, 270 m, sunny + dry area, low shrubs; P. Jäger & S. Bayer leg. 15.XI.2009; 1 female (SB 485), SMF. [9597]: fauna record: LAOS: Luang Prabang Prov.: Tham Sieng Mang (19°54.1’N, 102°08.5’E), 270 m a.s.l., cave and surroundings,by hand, 12.xi.2004 (P. Jäger, V. Vedel),1♀ in SMF. Equipment: Remarks: [5158]: in [5158]: N 19° 54' 11,1'' E 102° 08' 28,8''; Alt: 380 m; total length 120m In Descript!!! Tham Sakkalin Savannakuha: [4744] Cummings 2002, p. 196: Founded in 1889 and since abandoned, Wat Tham Xieng Maen is in a 100m-deep limestone cave (known as Tham Sakkalin Savannakuha), a little to the north-west of Wat Long Khun. Many Buddha images from temples that have been torched or otherwise fallen into decay are kept here; during Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year) many local worshippers come to Wat Tham to pay homage and cleanse the images. The large stone-block entrance build around the mouth of the cave displays good relief work on stair pedestals, and is flanked by two large ruined spirit houses and a couple of plumeria trees. An iron gate across the cave mouth is usually locked; inquire at Wat Long Khun for someone to come and unlock the gate and guide you through the cave. A small donation is requested for this service; the cave is very long and dark, and parts of the cave floor are slippery, so it's a good idea to go with a guide. Bring a torch (flashlight). There are several other caves nearby that are easily found and explored with local help, though none isquite as extensive as Tham Sakkalin Savannakuha. Vat Ping: Kusch 1975: Cave of Vat Ping (Luang prabang, Laos): Am rechten Ufer des Mekong, gegenüber von Luang prabang führt eine Treppe vom Ufer zum Eingang der Höhle. Die Höhle von Vat Ping gehört zu dem dort befindlichen Kloster. Die Höhlenräume führen rund 600m weit ins Berginnere bis zu einer Quelle, deren Wasser gefaßt ist. Viele der in der Höhle befindlichen Buddhastatuen sind aus Holz und von frommen Pilgern dorthin gebracht worden. Im linken Teil des Eingangsbereiches kann durch eine Kluft ein Raum erreicht werden, der mit vergoldeten Buddhastatuen gefüllt ist. Düker & Monreal 2003 [4983] p. 194: "Ausgangs- und Endpunkt ist das Dorf Ban Xieng Meine. Hier schliessen sich den Touristen in der regel ein oder zwei junge Begleiter an, die hilfreich sind, wenn man auch die Höhle Tham Koua Sakkarine besichtigen möchte [...]Nach weiteren 300m führt linker Hand eine lange, schmale Treppe hinauf zu Vat Chom Phet [...]Der nächste Halt ist nur ein paar Schritte entfernt: die Höhle Tham Koua Sakkarine oder Vat Tham. Den Eingang markiert ein weisser Stupa. In der ersten Halle links liegen die traurigen Überreste einiger Holzstatuen, die alles sind, was von den zahllosen Buddhafiguren übriggeblieben ist, die in diesem Höhlentempel einmal standen. Hinter dem Stupa rechts kann man in einen schwach beleuchteten Gang hinabsteigen, der, wenn man sich immer rechts hält, an einem großen Tropfsteingebilde endet. Klettert man rechts daran vorbei und betrachtet es von dem hintersten begehbaren Punkt aus, den Blick und die taschenlampe nach oben gerichtet, gleicht es einem riesenhaften Raubvogel mit Kopf, schnabel und herabhängenden Flügeln. Eine Taschenlampe ist notwendig, und Vorsicht, es ist sehr rutschig." References: [0067]: Kusch, H. 1975: Höhlen in Laos, Nord- und Westthailand - Höhlengebiete Südostasiens III. Die Höhle 26 (4): 114-123. [3539]: Brouquisse, F. & Mouret, C. 1997: Expéditions spéléologiques au Laos, 1991-1996. In: Mouret, C., Brouquisse, F. & Vacquié, J.F. (eds.): Explorations speleologiques au Laos 1991-1996. Rapport de Presentation des Resultats: 13-17. [3677]: Brouquisse, F., Gregory, A., Hedouin, M. & Preziosi, E. 1999: Catalogue of caves in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The International Caver 25: 13-16. [3713]: Mouret, C. 1997: Reconnaissances et explorations de 1992. In: Mouret, C., Brouquisse, F. & Vacquié, J.F. (eds.): Explorations speleologiques au Laos 1991-1996. Rapport de Presentation des Resultats. [3721]: Mouret, C. 1997: L'utilisation des grottes par l'homme au Laos. In: Mouret, C., Brouquisse, F. & Vacquié, J.F. (eds.): Explorations speleologiques au Laos 1991-1996. Rapport de Presentation des Resultats. Rapport au Gouvernement laotien: 73-97. [3722]: Mouret, C. 1997: Le tourisme dans les grottes du Laos, un potentiel économique de premier plan dont l'exploitation nécessite une protection intensive du milieu naturel. In: Mouret, C., Brouquisse, F. & Vacquié, J.F. (eds.): Explorations speleologiques au Laos 1991-1996. Rapport de Presentation des Resultats. Rapport au Gouvernement laotien: 98-99. [3744]: Mouret, C. 1993: Echo des profondeurs: Laos. Reconnaissances et explorations de 1992. Spelunca 52: 4-6. [4744]: Cummings, J. 2002: Laos - a travel survival kit. 4th ed. Lonley Plantet Publications Pty. Ltd, Hawthorn. 352 pp. [4848]: Deharveng, L. & Bedos, A. 2000: Echos des profondeurs étranger: Asie: Laos. Reconnaissance dans le nord du Laos en décembre 1999. Spelunca 79: 11; Paris [4983]: Düker, J. & Monreal, A. 2003: Stefan Loose Travel Handbuch Laos. Du Mont Reiseverlag. 400 pp. [5070]: Jäger, P. 2007: Re: pdf Laos. - e-mail 22.10.2007 [5158]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. (eds.) 2005: The unknown North of Laos (Karst and Caves of the Provinces Luang Phrabang and Luang Nam Tha). Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte 16. 105 pp & Annex. [5265]: Anon. undat.: Noord Laos. URL: [5493]: Zillig, W. 2005: Laos 2003-04. URL:… [6097]: Jäger, P. 2007: Spiders of Laos with descriptions of new species (Arachnida: Araneae). - Acta Arachnologica 56 (1): 29-58. [7841]: Golovatch, S.I., Geoffroy, J.-J., Mauriès, J.-P. & Van den Spiegel, D. 2009: Review of the millipede genus Plusioglyphiulus Silvestri, 1923, with descriptions of new species from Southeast Asia (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae). - Zoosystema 31 (1) : 71-116. [8525]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. (eds.) 2010: The Unknown North of Laos (Part 3 - 2009-2010: Karst and Caves of the Provinces Houaphan and Oudomxay). - Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte 38. 94 pp + Annex. [9406]: Bayer, S. 2011: Revision of the pseudo-orbweavers of the genus Fecenia Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Psechridae), with emphasis on their pre-epigyne. - ZooKeys 153: 1-56. [9597]: Huber, B.A. 2011: Revision and cladistic analysis of Pholcus and closely related taxa (Araneae, Pholcidae). - Bonner Zoologische Monographien 58: 1-509.


Several names were given to the cave. Most likely Tham Khou Ha Sackalin is identical with ”Tham Sakkalin Savannahkuha” described in the Lonely Planet travel guide on Laos. Heinrich Kusch (1975) apparently described the same cave under the name ”Vat Ping” but reports a passage length of approximately 600 m. The cave is also known as the following: ”Tham Ngu”, ”Tham Xien Men” and ”Tham Wat Xieng Men” (Mouret 2004c, p. 17). This indicates that the cave is popular as a tourist trip from Louang Phrabang. A fee is collected by the monks of the monastery [5158] Explo history: --1992 visited by Mouret (F) [3713] -- inbetween???? --21.12.2003 explored & surveyed to 120 m by J. Dreybrodt /German Lao Speleological Project 2003/2004 [5158] -- 14.11.2004 surveyed for spiders by P. Jäger & V. Vedel, SMF [6097] BTH - 24/06/2024

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.6Thiep (Tham)0
1.6Phousi (Tham)0
5.8Tham Pha Man-37
6.0Tatkeh (Tham)0
6.0Tatkeh 2 (Tham)0
6.0Tatkeh 3 (Tham)0
6.7Bouk Xang (Tham)0
7.2Sang (Tham)0
7.3Din (Tham)0