(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Two obstructed cave entrances between bouldery scree and retreating rock give access to a much sand filled cave, which drains a stream during rains into a stream cave passage. The upstream branch leads west to a boulder choke -- apparently near the edge of the hill -- and and gives access to seemingly impenetrable but obviously very uninspiring narrow and wet crawls (not pushed to conclusion). SITUATION: On the north-western edge of a spur extending from Lum Lawbah approximately north-east. APPROACH: The cave entrances are best reached by following the unmetalled fair weather road to the coal loading place below Shadkhuri (the Ghost Dancing Place) until the first spur of Lum Lawbah rises on the left-hand side (west). The cave entrance lies on the most northerly point of this spur, is hidden in the jungle, and found by trying to follow the top of the scree slope at the foot of the somewhat rocky but shrub- and grass-covered outcrop.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.02.04: Harald Kirsamer came across the sink.2001.03.07: Harald Kirsamer and H. Daniel Gebauer explored and mapped the first 168.57 m of cave passages. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2LUM LAWBAH CAVE 5 (aa -)
0.3LUM LAWBAH CAVE 2 (aa -)
0.3LUM LAWBAH CAVE 3 (aa -)
0.3LUM LAWBAH CAVE 1 (aa -)
0.4POMASAN (Cave at)
0.6LUM LAWBAH: Doline 3 (aa -)
0.7LUM LAWBAH: Doline 5 (aa -)
0.8LUM LAWBAH: Doline (aa -)