Tham Nam Dan - NA0045

Longueur 100m Profondeur 39m
Grottocenter / carte


From the Security Development Project take the road south into the doline. Before the bend to the left take a track on the right which contours round, past two small depressions and through an orchard to drop down onto the floor of the doline. Cross the doline and look for a large boulder at the edge of the field. An indistinct path goes up the slope to the right of the boulder for about 30 m ascent to the entrance at the foot of the cliff. Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Tham Nam Dan is a steeply descending (45¦) boulder floored passage which is 15m to 20m wide. Unfortunately after 100m the passage becomes choked with boulders and earth. Although a draught was noticed between the boulders at the end of the cave all ways on were very small.


Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Surveyed by SMCC February 2009 - Grade UISv2 3-3-F Survey notes PDF:- NA0045 Tham Nam Dan - Feb 2009 ELLIS, MARTIN (2009b) ELLIS, MARTIN (2010c)


[Topo] Tham Nam Dan 14/05/2019
Bibliography 12/09/2020


The cave was first explored and surveyed in February 2009 by the SMCC expedition. 2009-02-13 (M. Ellis, C. Dummer, P. Collett) 2009-02-16 (M. Ellis, I. Hollis, T. Bolger) Martin Ellis - 12/09/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.1Huai Nam Dan Sink - NA0046
0.2Shaft NA0071 - NA00712620
0.6Shaft NA0070 - NA007088
0.8Sink NA0101
0.8Cave NA010014326
0.8Sink NA0099
0.9Sink NA0098
0.9Cave NA01411057
1.0Sink NA0102