Tham Pong - KR0151

Grottocenter / carte


Khao Tham Pong is a couple of hundred metres to the north of Khao Tham Phi, to the west of the road to Tham Phet (KR0047). Martin Ellis - 02/11/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.9Tham Ben - KR0160
1.3Tham Phet - KR004755216
1.4Tham Nai Tui - KR0065
2.4Orange 2 (Tham) [KR0347]1000
2.4Tham Orange 1 [KR0346]800
2.7Cave KR0004 - KR0004
3.1Tham Thalu Fa - KR0002200
3.1Cave KR0023 - KR0023
3.1Cave KR0022 - KR0022