Kai Tsching Tschog (Tham) [KR0313]

Longueur 397m Profondeur 55m
Grottocenter / carte


Main entrance. KR0314 47P 473482 0902545 61m KR0315 47P 473473 0902539 73m Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019


General description

Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019

KR0313: Numerous entrances close together. Main entrance is a long steep slope, muddy leading to large very well decorated chamber. Several ways on. Cave continues down steep slopes. Wide Open lead at bottom with drop of 10m in chossy rock. KR0314 "Pseudo Gecko": Small steeply sloping entrance and through small section into top of a 4m rift and drops down into larger rift. Joins into Gecko Egg KR0315 "FO Gecko": A large pit with access down one side using a handline. Joins into Gecko Eggs entrance slope half way down entrance. Leads down into several chambers and a rift with a breeze


Bibliography 01/12/2019
  • +Furlong, Imogen (2017) "GSG Family Caving Expedition to Krabi, Thailand January 2016" The Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin Fifth Series Vol. 2 No. 2 March 2017 pp14-17 +Furlong, Imogen; Shade, Bev (2018) "Recent family expeditions to the caves of Krabi" expediton report to Ghar Pharau Foundation, 5pp Nix, Bill (2016) "Families underground" Decsent No. 248 February/March 2016 pp24-25


2016-01-02 (I. Furlong, N. Burgess) find KR0313 and KR0314 2016-01-03 (N. Burgess) find KR0315 Martin Ellis - 01/12/2019

Cavités proche

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0.1Bat Face Cave 2 [KR0317]
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