(Lonar - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unidentified cave cut into the rock (note 1) from where a fabulous tunnel at the far end of the cavern leads to a temple about a mile away (note 2) reported IRANI, G (2001: 148-149) from somewhere in the vicinity of the Sun Temple (Surya mandir?) above the banks of Gaumukha, a -tank- (water reservoir) near the rim of the Lonar Crater. SITUATION: The village of Lonar (N19°59': E76°32') lies about 165 km along the road east of Aurangabad (N19°53': E075°20') and about three hours by bus north-east of Jalna (N19°50': E75°53') or 4h30 by bus south-east of –>Ajanta (N20°32': E75°45'). There are a handful of direct busses (5 hours) to Lonar from Aurangabad (150 km east). CULTURAL HISTORY - Human use: Insult was heaped upon this Sun temple as residents living in the area converted the monument into a public toilet. Annoyed by the indifference and disrespect shown to the shrine and its exquisite sculptures, decided S.T. Bugdane (joint headmaster of Shivaji High School) to dosomething about it. Rather than express his discontent by way of public protest, Bugdane hit upon a unique plan of action. One day, he requested all the children in his school to assemble at the temple early the following morning. He rallied a few volunteers who, with the help of the paid staff, swept the ground clean that very night. When the children started to arrive the next morning, he distributed cricket bats and balls, footballs and other recreational equipment and encouraged them to start playing in this area. The reward of their effort was permission to report a little later than usual to school. On seeing the kids running all over the place, people had no choice but to stop desecrating the site. Once the place was accessible, a few of the local residents started to come and worship at the temple. CAVE LEGEND: … the salt lake of Lonar, the fabled den of the demon-giant Lonasur, who was overcome in single combat by an incarnation of Vishnu. The god assumed the form of a beautiul youth, and, with the aid of the giant's two sisters, discovered his subterranean abode. With a single touch of his toe he threw off the lid of the den [note 3], and found the giant sleeping on his couch. … Lonasur was buried in the den or hollow now occupied by the great lake, the water of which is supposed to be the giant's blood. Lonar has ever since been held in great veneration (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 16: 171-172).something about it. Rather than express his discontent by way of public protest, Bugdane hit upon a unique plan of action. One day, he requested all the children in his school to assemble at the temple early the following morning. He rallied a few volunteers who, with the help of the paid staff, swept the ground clean that very night. When the children started to arrive the next morning, he distributed cricket bats and balls, footballs and other recreational equipment and encouraged them to start playing in this area. The reward of their effort was permission to report a little later than usual to school. On seeing the kids running all over the place, people had no choice but to stop desecrating the site. Once the place was accessible, a few of the local residents started to come and worship at the temple. CAVE LEGEND: … the salt lake of Lonar, the fabled den of the demon-giant Lonasur, who was overcome in single combat by an incarnation of Vishnu. The god assumed the form of a beautiul youth, and, with the aid of the giant's two sisters, discovered his subterranean abode. With a single touch of his toe he threw off the lid of the den [note 3], and found the giant sleeping on his couch. … Lonasur was buried in the den or hollow now occupied by the great lake, the water of which is supposed to be the giant's blood. Lonar has ever since been held in great veneration (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 16: 171-172).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Burgess James 1877-1880; Irani Gustap 2001; Leyden R V 1947.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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