Tham Pha Fai - LO0063

Longueur 110m Profondeur 25m
Grottocenter / carte


The entrance to the wat has a large gate on the left (south) of the road, about 1km past the turning to the Suan Hin Ngam Park. Martin Ellis - 13/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 13/03/2020

At the base of the hill, before the main temple buildings, is a rock shelter with some small caves and high rifts with bats at the back


This wat was first visited by the SMCC and CSS in May 2007. On a return visit in June 2015 the high rifts were explored. 2007-05-04 (M. Ellis, T. Bolger) 2015-06-09 (M. Ellis, P. Collett) Martin Ellis - 13/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.1Suan Hin Pha Ngam 1 (Cave) [LO0153]200
1.1Suan Hin Pha Ngam 2 (Cave) [LO0154]200
1.2Suan Hin Pha Ngam 3 (Cave) [LO0155]200
1.2Cave LO017855
1.4Cave LO0177
1.4Nam Long (Tham) [LO0169]20113
1.5Tham Dork Wua - LO0083800
1.9LO0201 (Sink)
1.9LO0203 (Sink)