Yai (Tham) [KA0072]

ไทรโยค (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


Just north of Sai Yok Yai waterfall, adjacent to KA0076 Tham Phra and Sai Yok Rock Shelter. Martin Ellis - 16/08/2019



Martin Ellis - 16/08/2019

KNUTH, EIGIL (1962) unknown grade

Short description

Martin Ellis - 16/08/2019

An archaeological site.


Bibliography 16/08/2019
  • +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 +Halliday, William R. (1988) "Island Karst and Temple Caves of Thailand: A 1987 Reconnaissance" Cascade Caver Vol. 27 No. 1, January-February 1988, pp6-10, reprinted in Geo2 Vol. 15 No. 1/3 p31 [abstract] and in Journal of Spelean History Vol. 22 No. 2 pp21-22 [abstract] +Heekeren, H.R. van (1961) "A Preliminary Note on the Excavation of the Sai-Yok Rock-Shelter" Journal of the Siam Society Vol. 49 No. 2 pp99-108 +Heekeren, H.R. van (1962) "A brief survey of the Sai Yok excavations, 1961-1962 season of the Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition" Journal of the Siam Society Vol. 50 No. 1 pp15-18 +Heekeren, H.R. van (1963) "Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-1962" Journal of the Siam Society Vol. 51 No. 1 pp79-84 +KNUTH, EIGIL (1962) "Further Report on the Sai Yok Excavations and on the Work at the Picture Cave" Journal of the Siam Society Vol. 50 No. 1 pp19-21 +Nielsen, Eigil (1961) "The Thai-Danish pre-historic expedition 1960-1962. Preliminary expedition 1960-61" Journal of the Siam Society Vol. 49 No. 1 pp47-55 +Nielsen, Eigil (1962a) "The Thai-Danish prehistoric expedition 1960-1962. A short report on the activities and results of the main expedition 1961-1962" Journal of the Siam Society Vol. 50 No. 1 pp7-14 +NIELSEN, EIGIL (1962b) "The Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-1962 I" Folk Vol. 4 pp21-27 +SÏRENSEN, PER (1962) "The Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition 1960-1962 II" Folk Vol. 4 pp28-46


1960-11 Cave studied by Danish archaeological expedition. 1961-12-02 Cave studied by Danish archaeological expedition. Martin Ellis - 16/08/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Sai Yok Rock Shelter [KA0073]
0.3Tham Kaew [KA0075]20012
0.4Tham Khang Khao [KA0511]
0.6Sai Yok Noi (Tham)
3.0Phra Sai Yok (Tham) [KA0076]300
3.0Tham Wang Phra [KA0514]600
3.4Cave KA0600
3.4Cave KA0603
3.9Dao Duang (Tham) [KA0069]23920