AA CAVE, Mynkre

(Khliehriat - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

What looked from some distance like a wide, dark shadow was at a closer look an estimated 12 m wide and 2 m entrance to a daylight-lit rock shelter beneath a ledge protruding less than 4 m. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified, if it existed, for this little cave or rock shelter in a quarry with an unknown name, which had been seen from the car when driving from Mynkre (note 1) to Lumshnong.SITUATION: In February 1997 at the base of a man-made cliff face in the back a limestone quarry on the western side of the National Highway NH44, about 2 km along the road south of Mynkre (±1 km 25°14'N: 92°22'30”E), and between kilometres 8 and 9 north of Lumshnong (±30 m 25°10'41”N: 92°22'28”E). »The light to dark gray coloured Lakadong Limestone of the middle part of the South Shillong Group, which overlies the light grey to greyish white or light pink coloured Terria Sandstone, is exposed around Mynkree village along the National Highway No. 44 (NH-44) route, between Shillong City in the northwest and Silchar City in the southeast …« (MATSUMARU, K & SARMA, A 2010: 540).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

NOTE 1: ka myn (Synteng Khasi / Pnar Khasi; noun), generally pronounced: ka myng, a river; the same as the standard Khasi: ka um (SINGH, N 1906: 135).krai (Khasi; verb) to spread (SINGH, N 1906: 46). u krai (Khasi; noun); millet (GURDON, P R T 1906: 215; SINGH, N 1906: 46; SINGH, N 1920: 318); oat (BLAH, E 2007: 203). i sim krai (Khasi; noun) a kind of small bird resembling a lark (SINGH, N 1906: 204).


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.02.14: H. D. Gebauer and Simon J. Brooks stretched their legs, paid a quick visit, found that what looked from far away like a dark shadow was at a closer look daylight-lit throughout, saw except dirt and stones no noteworthy cave contents nor any obvious continuation, and moved on. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.9PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 1st (Cave at)
1.0PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 2nd (Cave at)
1.0PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 3rd (Cave at)
1.0PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 7th (Cave at)
1.0PYRDA (Lindenmayr) 4th (Cave at)
1.0AA CAVE, Lumshnong (Lindenmayr) 10
1.0AA CAVE, Lumshnong (Lindenmayr) 11