Tham Saen Chang Lai [BK0025]

Longueur 25m
Grottocenter / carte


The wat is 3 km east of Ban Thung Sai Chok and is signed off the H3024. From the temple a very good path and bridges lead to the rock shelter at the base of a long, low cliff. Martin Ellis - 14/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 14/06/2019

This is an impressively large rock shelter, formed at the base of a sandstone cliff. It is about 25 m deep, 250 m long and 5 m above the valley floor. It has been developed by monks as a shrine.


2012-01-16 M. Ellis, T. Bolger Martin Ellis - 14/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
2.9Tham Chum Chang [BK0028]
3.3Tham Bucha [BK0021]
3.8Tham Sok Chang [BK0037]
4.5Cave BK0006 [BK0006]
4.8Chan Pha (Tham) [BK0010]
6.5Tham Wihan Yao [BK0036]10
6.5Tham Wihan Kot [BK0035]25
6.5Kaew (Tham) [BK0003]
6.6Tham Ajarn Chuan [BK0034]10