Tham Huai Rai - PS0056

บ้านมุง (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


To get to Tham Huai Rai drive to and park at Tham Phra Sai Ngam. Then walk 350 m along the cliff line to the north. Martin Ellis - 22/05/2019


Martin Ellis - 22/05/2019

A large seasonal resurgence comes out of a 5 m wide entrance. At the time of the visit in August 2002 the cave could not be entered, but during the dry season it can. A local farmer said he had been into the cave and met a sump after 60 m. It is not known what time of year this was. To the north of the cave undercuts at the base of the cliff contain seasonal standing water.


Bibliography 22/05/2019
  • +SMART, DEAN (2002) "Wang Daeng Karst Resurgence Survey 25-30 August 2002" Royal Forest Department, Bangkok. Unpublished report. 6pp

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.3Tham Nam Tok - PS0059
0.3Tham Phra Sai Ngam - PS0030302692
0.4Tham Dak Ga Deen Yak - PS00582107
0.4Tham Phra Sai Ngam Resurgence - PS0086
0.5Tham Khang Khao - PS0041402271
1.1Tham Kheu - PS00442459
2.3Resurgence PS0096 [PS0096]
2.4Tham Khlong Khun Huai Tum Lek - PS0065103536
2.4Khlong Khun Huai Tum Resurgence 1 - PS0055