Barik Ab (Caves at)

(بټي کوټ ولسوالۍ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Without revealing his source of information adds editor William Trousdale (in MacGREGOR 1879-1880 edited 1985: 170 note 271) that these caves are near Barikab [note 1], in the Jalalabad region, and belonged to a Buddhist monastic community in the 4th or 5th AD BTH - 13/07/2024


General description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Man-made Buddhist rock temples and / or troglodyte cells and / or chambers near -Barikab- are just about mentioned by MacGREGOR (1879-1880 edited 1985: 170): Got off at about 11, Bridges lent me a pony which I rode up to the caves, then got on the one Lyall rode.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1880.04.02: Major Generel Sir Charles Metcalfe (1840*-1887†) visited caves near 'Barikab' (METCALFE 1879-1880 edited by TROUSDALE 1985: 170). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
8.1Pire Kamel Baba (Caves at)
9.0Sang-e Surakh, Chahardeh
9.7Girdi Kas (Karez / Kariz) [Gerdi Kac] [Gerdi Kats]
11.8Atri, Markoh (Cave of)
12.8Mirzakheyl (Caves at)
13.9Osama Bin Laden, Shah-i Kot, Rodat (Tahkhana ke)
15.4Ziarat Pir Goondi (Caves at)
15.4DAGA (Caves at)
20.6Cheknawar (Caves at)