Yellow Buddha Cave No. 1 [CB0036]

แหลมฉบัง (TH)
Longueur 20m
Grottocenter / carte


The prominent feature of Ko Si Chang is a 10m high yellow Buddha which is visible from the sea. Yellow Buddha Cave No.1 is located behind the Buddha on the left hand side. Martin Ellis - 16/06/2019


General description

Martin Ellis - 16/06/2019

The entrance is a 1 meter by 1 meter hole. Immediately inside the entrance is a fixed 5 meters iron ladder which leads down into a high roofed chamber (10 m x 6 m). The floor has been cemented over and the cave is used for meditation. At the opposite end of the chamber to the entrance ladder is a small crawl leading off to a silt floored chamber (3 m x 5 m).


Bibliography 16/06/2019
  • BOWN, MARK (1992) "Report on an Oxford University Cave Club Expedition to Thailand 13/12/91 to 17/1/92" Unpublished report 14pp BOWN, MARK (c.1992) "Four Go Mad In Thailand & Laos" [accessed January 2001 inaccessible September 2005]


The cave was surveyed by Mark Bown, Sherry Mayo, Mike and Ursulla Mead of the Oxford University Caving Club in December 1991. Martin Ellis - 16/06/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Chao Pho Khao Yai (Tham) [Tham Chao Hor] [CB0012]
0.0Yellow Buddha Cave n°2 [CB0030]50
1.2Rakhang (Tham) [CB0007] [Tham La Khang]50
1.2Tham Chakkaphong [CB0006] [Tham Chakrapong; Chagka Phong's Cave]20
1.4Tham Yai Phrik - CB0009 [Tham Li Phrik]20
2.5Khao Phang (Tham) [Tham Phang] [CB0014]
3.0Saowapha (Tham) [CB0005]148
13.5Tham Thalu - CB0002
28.9Tham Men - CB0035