Rishikesh (Dehradun - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/03/2016

A fabulous (?) sacred "cave" of dubious nature and character beneath or below the temple of Gorakhnath / Goraknath at Hardwar (note 1) is reputed to be "accessible" by four ladders descending into impenetrable subterranean passages. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1820: »The following account of a celebrated Pagoda … was communicated to the editor of the Calcutta Journal, for Feb. last, No. 48. The correspondent by whom it was communicated, informs the editor, that "the account was translated a long time ago: but as it was received, viva voce, from the present Munth, Munsa Nath, it can be relied upon as authentic." … At Hurdwar (according to the Scanda [Skanda Purana] and other Purans), the name of this place is spelled Haridwara or Gate of Vishnoo [Vishnu], and according to some authorities Haradwara or Gate of Mahadeva) there is situated the Gopuh [Gupha, Gufa] or subterraneous passage of Goorukhnath, close to the north-west bank of the river Ganges, beneath a temple whose portal faces the setting sun. This edifice, we are told, consists of a large saloon, having four doors, at each of which are ladders that afford a descent to the bowels of the earth; but owing to the utter darkness pervading these "infernal regions" [note 2], no mortal is able to penetrate to the extremity of the passage, unless he shall have gained by an excess of abstract meditation and pious observances, the aid of supernatural power [note 3]. Those divines (commonly called Fuqeers [footnote: They are called divines: but it is feared they are chiefly Qui curiosi simulant et Bachanalia vivunt -- Juvenal] who have attained this great beatitude, do all agree in declaring that, except the impression of the foot of Goorukhnath, no other object is apparent to the visual eye« (DESCRIPTION OF A FAMOUS PAGODA.- Asiatic Journal, Calcutta, October 1820). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1938: »Haridwar has a number of places belonging to the Gorakhnathas. A cave or subterranean passage, is associated with the Kanphatas« (BRIGGS 1938 edited 1973: 82). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1993: »A Haridwar, se trouve la grotte de Sri Gorakhnath« (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 53).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 28/03/2016

NOTE 1: Haridwar (Haradwar, Hardwar), the Gateway of the Gods, near N29°58': E078°10' nima.mil/geonames (accessed 16.11.2003) and IMPERIAL GAZETTEER (1907-1909, XIII: 51), »… bore several names. According to tradition it was named Kapila after the sage of that name, who is said to have lived here. In the 7th century Hiuen Tsiang [XUANZANG 648] described a town named Mo-yu-lo, which was probably Mayura or Mayapur, a suburb south of Hardwar. The Chinese pilgrim also mentions that there was a Brahmanical temple north of Mo-yu-lo which the Hindus called 'the Gate of the Ganges' and this name Gangadwara is regularly used by the Muhammedan historians for Hardwar. The meaning of the present name is disputed. Worshippers of Shiva derive it from Hara, a name of Shiva, while the Vaisnavas claim that the correct origin is from Hari, a name of Vishnu. Abdul Fazl, in the reign of Akbar, refers to Maya, known as Haridwara, and Tom Coryat, who visited the place in Jahangir's reign, called it 'Hari-dwara, the capital of Shiva'« (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, XIII: 51-52). NOTE 2: »Io venni in luogo d'ogni luce moto« (Dante Alighieri, Inferno V: 28) or, if you prefer: I came to a place stripped bare of every light. NOTE 3: »Per me si va nella citta dolente,Per me si va nell'etterno dolore,Per me si va nella perduta gente.Guistizia mosse il mio alto fattore:Fecemi la divina potestate,La somma sapïënza, e 'l primo amore.Dinanzi a me non fuor cose createSe non ettere, e io etterna duro:Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate« (Dante Alighieri, Inferno III, 1-9). [I am the way into the city of woe.I am the way to a forsaken people.I am the way into eternal sorrow.Sacred justice moved my architect.I was raised here by divine omnipotence,Primordial love and ultimate intellect.Only those elements time cannot wearwere made before me, and beyond time I stand.Abandon all hope ye who enter here.


Bibliography 28/03/2016
  • Briggs, Gorge Weston 1938, 1973; Description of a Famous Pagoda 1820; Ducluzaux, Bruno 1993d; Imperial Gazetteer 1907-1909.NOT SEEN BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE: Calcutta Journal 1819 or 1820, nO 48.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0MARKANDEYA, Kuhu nala (Cave of)
1.6VAISHNO DEVI, Haridwar (Cave of)
4.9Hardwar (Cave at)
22.1Ganesh Gufa, Rishikesh
22.1RISHIKESH (Eliade 1996: 347) (Caves at)
22.1Ramtirtha Swami (Cave of)