(Pipariya Tahsil - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/04/2016

A rock shelter with rock art (RAMAMURTHY 1988: 86, 97, figures 5, 6: Lang Nadi / LN) in sandstone (note 1) is found at the Kites Crag (locally called Hyman Bailey) which lies at a linear distance of 5.9 km due west (268°) from the seven way junction (note 2) Jaistambha / Jai Stambh (victory pillar) at –>Pachmarhi. CAVE DESCRIPTION: »The paintings are scattered along a terrace that runs the length of the south, south-east and east faces of the crag. The great majority are in white or white outlined in red. One large figure, posed with one knee raised, carries a circular object in one hand which is thought by some archaeologists to be a human head, suggesting that the picture celebrates a successful head hunt. There is a beautiful pair of monkeys, posed facing each other perhaps representing the dual of Bali and Sugreva from the [classical Indian epic] Ramayana. There is also an unusual large square figure in dull red, which could be the demon Ravan. … peacock, a scorpion, a fish, and near the far end of the eastern face a large bison or buffalo« (GHATE, R circa 2000 s.a.). SITUATION: »A terrace that runs the length of the south, south–east and east faces of Kites Crag has some fine cave paintings, the majority of which are in white or outlined in red« (TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE (2002.09.15). The large cliff face towering above the "Children's Valley" (note 3) lies between Dhupgarh Pahar (culminating at 1352 m asl) in the south and the Jambu Dwip valley in the north. The huge prominent cliff face is the most obvious one seen from the pass above Duchess Fall (saffronised: Jalawataran) were a local guide (necessary) can be hired. Descend (circa -200 m) to the well known and frequently visited Duchess Fall (note 4), cross to the other side of the creek and walk for about 75 m along the well trodden path towards Saunders' Pool (saffronised: Sunder Kund). An almost imperceptible track to the left hand side ascends (circa 30 m) through undergrowth to the top of a ridge to descend (circa 50 m, keep to the right) into the Langi Naddi (also: Lang Nadi). Here, the last trace of a track disappears. Walk upstream for perhaps 500 m (a strikingly beautiful waterfall and deep pools lies in the far end) and climb (40 m) to the right hand side and the bottom of overhanging cliff. ROCK ART: »Depictions of men holding a human head in one hand and a sword in the other (figures 683, 684, 685, 686, 687) are extremely rare. The sword is invariably held in the left hand. The men are always depicted as running and turning their head backwards. The peersons wear horn-like decorations an their head, and very large earrings. The dislocated heads in their hands are decorated in the same way. The icongraphic uniformity of therse "headhunter figures" make me believe that all these picture scenes portray invariably the same legend. Figures of "headhunters" were found from three places in the Mahadeo Hills, Rajat Phrabat, Kites Crag, and Agamdwar — all in the vicinity of Panchmarhi [sic! Pachmarhi]. The figures of these heroes are in any case painted much larger than the figures adjacent. The depictions at the site Kites Crag are almost one meter high« (NEUMAYER 1993: 258).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/04/2016

NOTE 1: The sandstone contains none or very few calcite (no visible reaction with hydrochloric acid). The overganging cliff is of gravitational origin and rests above a (marly?) bed of mudstone / siltsone which gives way under the load of the overlying sandstone. NOTE 2: Jaistambha, also: Jai Stambh (vijaya stambha, Hindi, victory pllar) near 22°28'26”N: 78°26'10”E: 1060 m (Everest 1830, Survey of India sheet 55-J/07 edition 1976; Gebauer, H D 2000.12.29 GPS Garmin 12). NOTE 3: The valley of the Langi Naddi or Lang Nadi is shown as »Ling N« on Survey of India sheet 55-J/7 (1976 edition). NOTE 4: Tribune News Service (2002.09.15): »Close to the Ramaya Kund, (Lorene Pool), are the Duchess Falls ideal for swimming which are not quite so spectacular but the setting makes them one of Panchmarhi’s most beautiful and picturesque waterfalls.«


Bibliography 07/04/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1955: Discovered by a party of campers (GHATE, R circa 2000 s.a.). 2001.01.04: H. D. Gebauer and Werner Busch visited. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/04/2016

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.1Monte Rosa Cave 2
1.8Monte Rosa Shelters 1-4
1.9Monte Rosa Cave 1