Tham Nang Thong [CP0115]

บางสน (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


This cave is in m4 Bang Son. It's 10km south from the amphoe Pathio distict office. To get there, you have to walk about 500m Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 01/08/2019

Inside the narrow entrance the cave is reported to cover an area of 600 square meters and is well decorated.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
6.1Tham Silawan - CP007840015
6.1Tham Chong - CP0062100
6.6Tham Nam Lot - CP00243000
6.9Tham Thale Sap - CP0067
7.2Tham Khao Phlu 2 {CP0120]500
7.3Tham Khao Phlu - CP0025100
7.3Khao Phlu 3 (Tham) [CP0121]300
12.2Tham Phitsadan - CP00753000
14.0Yai Ai (Tham) [CP0023]500