Nongpyniaw, Umdohlun (Krem)

(Ranikor - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance is said to give access to an unidentified cave called Krem Nongpyniaw (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: The origin and meaning of -Nongpyniaw-, the name of the village, after which this cave has been called, has not yet been discovered but appears to combine the populated place (if not an alloy of copper or an agent / doer) with causing old age (note 2). Unexplained remains if the -um- (stream) -Dohlun- is a Tadpole Kisser or a Meat Batter (note 3). SITUATION: Unknown -- In the village of Nongpyniaw at Umdohlun (Kharpran Daly, B D 2012.12.31 personal correspondence). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: fishing ground: The villagers have built a boat to access the cave for fishing (Kharpran Daly, B D 2012.12.31 personal correspondence).An unspecified cave entrance is said to give access to an unidentified cave called Krem Nongpyniaw (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: The origin and meaning of -Nongpyniaw-, the name of the village, after which this cave has been called, has not yet been discovered but appears to combine the populated place (if not an alloy of copper or an agent / doer) with causing old age (note 2). Unexplained remains if the -um- (stream) -Dohlun- is a Tadpole Kisser or a Meat Batter (note 3). SITUATION: Unknown -- In the village of Nongpyniaw at Umdohlun (Kharpran Daly, B D 2012.12.31 personal correspondence). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: fishing ground: The villagers have built a boat to access the cave for fishing (Kharpran Daly, B D 2012.12.31 personal correspondence).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2012.12.31: A few days ago I was told of another cave in the village of Nongpyniaw at Umdohlun (Krem Nongpyniaw) … (Kharpran Daly, B D 2012.12.31 personal correspondence). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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