Cave CH0107 [CH0107]

ห้วยยาง (TH)
Longueur 20m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


From Wat Tham Ngoen walk up beside the seasonal stream bed and follow the path that ascends at the the head of the valley. It is a steep ascent to the col and the best route is to follow the stream bed on the left. There is a doline where the col levels out and the sink is at the eastern end. Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019


Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019

This is a seasonal stream sink. The cave goes in two directions: one passage passes under a skylight and ends after 5m, while the other is a vadose canyon that becomes too low after 15m.


The cave was found by a SMCC team in February 2012. Martin Ellis - 25/06/2019

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