AA CAVE (Harper 2008) no. 06

(Chokpot - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An cave entrance with no specified shape or dimensions, which faces an unspecified direction, gives access to an estimated 3 m long rift cave passage, which is lit by daylight and was described as the end visible from the entrance (Harper, Rob 2008.02.07 Mss: Cave No. 6). ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for this rock shelter or karst surface feature (note 1). SITUATION: According to Harper (2008.02.10 Mss: Cave No. 6.pdf), a local guide [is] essential to explain the whereabouts of this karst surface feature at the bottom of the wall of a small gorge somewhere near Asakgre. According to the recorded GPS position (note 2), however, the 3m-rift called Cave No. 6 lies in the Bangdapha area (note 3) and about halfway between the cave entrances to –>Khorekol and –>Bolchu Nabang. CAVE CLIMATE: Harper, Rob (2008.02.07 Mss: Cave No. 6) noticed on 7th February 2008 at an unspecified time the apparent lack of air current and recorded that there was no perceptible draught.An cave entrance with no specified shape or dimensions, which faces an unspecified direction, gives access to an estimated 3 m long rift cave passage, which is lit by daylight and was described as the end visible from the entrance (Harper, Rob 2008.02.07 Mss: Cave No. 6). ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for this rock shelter or karst surface feature (note 1). SITUATION: According to Harper (2008.02.10 Mss: Cave No. 6.pdf), a local guide [is] essential to explain the whereabouts of this karst surface feature at the bottom of the wall of a small gorge somewhere near Asakgre. According to the recorded GPS position (note 2), however, the 3m-rift called Cave No. 6 lies in the Bangdapha area (note 3) and about halfway between the cave entrances to –>Khorekol and –>Bolchu Nabang. CAVE CLIMATE: Harper, Rob (2008.02.07 Mss: Cave No. 6) noticed on 7th February 2008 at an unspecified time the apparent lack of air current and recorded that there was no perceptible draught.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2008.02.07: Rob Harper (2008.02.07 Mss: Cave No. 6) explored by applying the peeping in technique, looked at the first 3 m, and considered this 3m-rift lit by daylight to be a cave. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.5MATRONGKOL, Asakgre
0.7ENDALOK CAVE (aa -)
1.1AA CAVE, Asakgre