Tham Nguep - LO0059

Longueur 36m Profondeur 2m
Grottocenter / carte


Wat Tham Khuha Khiri is signed to the east of the H201, south of Wang Saphung. At a crossroads in Ban Lat go straight across and at the next village, Ban Sam Nok Chip, go straight on at a sharp right hand bend, then left and soon right. The concrete road goes across the fields to the wat. Inside the wat boundary wall turn left (straight on leads to temple buildings). The dirt track ends at the bottom of the steps up to the cave. At the top of the steps Tham Nguep is straight ahead. Martin Ellis - 12/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 12/03/2020

This short cave has a wooden fence and door (not locked). The cave has a concrete floor throughout and is used for meditation, but there were no ways on.


Martin Ellis - 12/03/2020

SMCC October 2016 - Grade UISv2 6-3-EF


2008-05-25 (M. Ellis) 2014-04-01 (M. Ellis, J. Gosset, S. Gosset) 2016-10-06 (M. Ellis, P. Collett) - surveyed cave Martin Ellis - 12/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Khuha Wari - LO005571224
0.0Tham Khuha Wari 2 - LO006420
0.1Pha Pak Om (Tham) [LO0111]1679
0.1Tham Nam - LO005640610
0.2Jaeng (Tham) [LO0117]75
0.5LO0142 (Cave)50
1.1Khao San Hin 2 (Tham) [LO0161]
1.1Cave LO0190603
1.1Khao San Hin (Tham) [LO0115]751