Tham Mai Yai - KA0378

Longueur 25m Profondeur 15m
Grottocenter / carte


About 300m south of Tham Wang Men, in a karren field 10m east of a rough vehicle track. The karren field is an area of rugged limestone outcrop rising 2m above ground level. Martin Ellis - 17/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 17/09/2019

The cave has two small entrances. The main entrance is about 1m high and 1.5m wide. From there a steeply sloping bedrock tube leads to a 15m pitch that drops to the lowest point in the cave. The pitch, which is at the intersection of two fissures, can be free climbed. A handline is helpful on the top 5m section, but below that the narrow, flowstone covered walls of the east-west fissure can be easily chimneyed. At the bottom there is a small earth-floored chamber with no obvious leads. The other fissure leads to a circular shaft approximately 3m in diameter. A small second entrance to the cave enters at the top of this shaft. Debris falling into the shaft has formed a small cone-shaped mound in the centre of the chamber.


Martin Ellis - 17/09/2019

BRUSH, JOHN B. (ED.) (1996) - ASF Grade 2.2


Bibliography 17/09/2019
  • BRUSH, JOHN B. (ED.) (1996) "Khlong Ngu Karst Expedition April 1996. A Report Prepared for the National Parks Division, Royal Forest Department, Thailand" Canberra Speleological Society Inc. iv + 67pp DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1997) "The Caves of Thailand - Addendum 1995-97" Speleological Research Council, Sydney

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2Tham Wang Men - KA0377400
0.8Tower Sink 1 - KA0388
0.8Tower Sink 3 - KA0390
3.1Tower Sink 2 - KA03891212
3.9Tham Pra Tu Su Pa Bon - KA0376500
4.0Tham Pra Tu Su Pa Klang - KA03751050
4.0Tham Pra Tu Su Pa Lang - KA0374520
4.7Tham Sao Hin - KA017811300
5.1Tham Mor - KA0412