Tham Waai [CR0052]

เชียงราย (TH)
Longueur 100m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Tham Wai is located about 10m from Tham Lom. Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019


Martin Ellis - 10/08/2019

The cave is about 100m long with the passage damp and dark. Inside there is a chamber and formations.


Bibliography 10/08/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0Tham Lom - CR0039
0.1Tham Ruesi - CR0038200
0.3Tham Chang Luang - CR0051
0.5Tham Phra - CR0037300
1.2Tham Tu Pu - CR0043450
1.8Tham Doi Kong Khao - CR00442000
5.5Doi Hang (Tham) [CR0090]250
17.7Mi (Tham) [CR0072]
21.8Tham Mae Khrua - CR0062904