Tham Khiri Banphot - KK0067

วังเพิ่ม (TH)
Longueur 10m Profondeur 0m
Grottocenter / carte


The wat is 1km south of Ban Champa, on the western outskirits of the village. Inside the grounds there are lots of chedis. About 50 steps lead up to the entrance which is near the top of the hillock Martin Ellis - 01/10/2019


Martin Ellis - 01/10/2019

The entrance opens into a 10m diameter chamber. A wooden ladder aiding descent of the chamber has fallen into disrepair. A handline or proper caving clothes and boots would be required to descend to the bottom of the chamber where there may be a way on.


The cave was visited in April 2009 by a SMCC team. 2009-04-25 (M. Ellis, T. Bolger) Martin Ellis - 01/10/2019

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.3Tham Chedi - KK0086500
1.3Tham Pha Sung - KK006650
2.0Tham Niam - KK0025
2.4Saeng Tham (Tham) [KK0055]750
2.5Tham Pha Ngam - KK0087
2.7Tham Pha Nam Thiang - KK0068
3.5Tham Pha Phuang 1 - KK000114530
4.0Singto Thong (Tham) [KK0054]300
4.4Tham Jong Ang Koo - KK0057