Tham Khao Kham Kuon - KA0148

หนองบัว (TH)
Grottocenter / carte


About 10-12 km north-north-west of Kanchanaburi, on the west side of the Khwae Yai 8 km south of Tha Manao, between Tham Phutawat and Tham Maklua. Martin Ellis - 22/08/2019


Bibliography 22/08/2019
  • +DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9 +SÏRENSEN, P. (1988) "Archaeological Excavations In Thailand: Surface Finds and Minor Excavations" Scandinavian Institue of Asian studies

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
1.1Phutawat (Tham) [KA0137]175
1.7Tham Khun Paen - KA0320
2.0Khao Wat Phra Tun (Tham) [KA0571]
3.1Tham Wat Phu Pradu [KA0538]
6.1Tham Bodhiyan [KA0532]3510
6.9Tham Khiritham [KA0531]
7.8Phu Wa (Tham) [KA0319]1000
8.2Tham Lang Kamnan [KA0418]500
8.4Tham Men - KA0057