Badulla (LK)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A kind of -not very deep pothole- (STRINATI & AELLEN 1981: 459) or, perhaps, a collapse doline (without identified shape or dimensions) intersects a perennially active stream cave or, if you prefer, descends for an unidentified distance down into -two huge passages- with a small rivulet, of which one is ascending the other descending (note 1). Combined, they are an estimated 600 m long (STRINATI & AELLEN 1981: 459).Michael Eckrich (München: Zoologisches Institut, 1984 personal communication) tells me that this cave, which is perhaps not in limestone, seems to have formed due to mass wasting of a softer layer sandwhiched between more durable strata. ETYMOLOGY: The cave itself seems to be called -istripura- or city of women (WILSON 1988: 22) while the alternative -Istri-gal-lena- translates into women's rock's cave (compare –>Istripura Cave, Pannala). So far, I saw the Istripura Cave (Welimada) called, transcribed, spelled, edited, or printed as 2 = Istripura AELLEN et al. (2001: 197 fig. 1) Esterepure CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974: 240; 1983: 242) after DERANIYAGALA (1958) Esterepure Cave Eckrich, M. (1984 Mss: Bat cave distribution map) Istri Gal-lena (cave) DERANIYAGALA (1965: 144 figure 21) Istri Gal-lena caves WILSON (1988: 22) Istri-gal-lena, Välimada DERANIYAGALA (1965: 143) Istri-gal-lena, Welimada BRIGNOLI (1972: 924, 927); COURBON & CHABERT (1986: 81; 1989: 138); STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) Istripura Cave MIDDLETON & WALTHAM (1986: 182); PAPP (1984) Istripura Cave/Cavern (No 1) Brooks (1995 Mss no. 27) Istripura cave, Paranagama CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974: 240; 1983: 242) Istripura cave, Welimada CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974: 240; 1983: 242) Istripura caves, Welimada CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974: ?; 1983: 154) Istripura Caverns, Welimada CEYLON TRAVELLER (1983: 145), WILSON (1988: 22), BROOKS et al. (2002: 19) Istripura Höhle, Welimada DOMRÖS (1976: 53). POSITIONS: The Istripura Cave (Welimada) has been positioned at N06°58'00”: E080°54'05” 1380 m asl M. Eckrich (1984 ersonal communication) N06°57': E080°54': 1435 m asl 4,700 feet (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 242) N06°57'57-: E080°54'15-: 1380 m asl STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459). SITUATION: About 7.5 km in a direct line approximately north of Welimada (note 2) and 2 km in a direct line NNE of Paranagama (note 3), the entrance to this Istripura cave lies in the saddle on the northern side of the peak and trigonometrical station Esterepure 4771 (note 4). SITUATION 1974: The entrance to this complex of caves [or complex of cave passages] lies on the hillside beyond Welimada, in close proximity to the ancient village of Paranagama, which may be reched by road (about six miles) from Welimada. The cave lies almost directly beneath the trigonometrical point named Esterepure on the one-inch map, and is approached by footpath from Paranagama. For map readers, the location is 6°57' N: 80°54' E. The cave lies to the north-east of Paranagama and of the remains of Fort Macdonald [note 5]. … The cavern lis at an altitude of about 4,700 feet [1433 m asl] (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 240; 1983: 242). Istripura lies a travelling distance of 25 miles (40 km) from Ella and north of Welimada (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 145). From Welimada, the cave entrance lies at a travelling distance of six miles (about 10 km), including a 1.5 miles (2.4 km) long ascent on foot: Turn off near MP 4 1/2 (kilometre 7.24) on the road to Paranagama (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1983: 155). The Ragala (note 6) Circuit Bungalow (at 5000 feet, 119 miles from Colombo, 13.5 miles from Nuwara Eliya) is an unexcelled centre for mountain hikes including one longer but much easier (18 miles but by road or bridle track all the way) passing old British station of Fort MacDonald and within reach of famous Istripura Caves via Waldemar Group to Welimada (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974, 1983: 153-154). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1970: A not very deep shaft intersects a sizeable cave passage, which is an estimated 600 m long and drains a small rivulet / running, wich can be divided into an upstream and a downstream section (note 7) (STRINATI & AELLEN 1981: 459). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1974: … a series of caverns, only very slightly explored … are said to provide the longest underground galleries in the island (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974, 1983: 145). The entrance to this complex of caves is on the hillside; it leads into numerous large, damp, underground galleries, some of which stretch for quite some distance into the mountain. Within the cavern … is a large lake of very cold water (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 240; 1983: 242). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1984: Michael Eckrich (München: Zoologisches Institut, 1984 personal communication) tells me that a collapse entrance gives access to a single cave passage, which runs very close and parallel to the surface, divides after some distance into two galleries which both lead to blockages of washed-down debris. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1988: WILSON (1988: 22) had learned about certain Istripura caverns which … are said to be the longst and most complex of the island. They are situated a few miles north of Welimada … I did not get a chance to visit this cave … Presumably these caves are those Strinati & Aellen (1981) call Istri-Gal-Lena caves [note 8] … which they say comprises two communicating caves one with about 150 m of passage and the second with two vast galleries and a deep well with 600 m of passages (note 9). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1995: Brooks (1995 Mss, item 27: Istripura Cave/Cavern No 1): A complex cave in limestone consisting of many large and damp underground galleries of some size and a lake. The same location has also been described as a site consisting of two separate caves one of 150 m length and the other of 600 m length divided into two large galleries and containing a deep well (Lake?). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2002: BROOKS et al. (2002: 19): There are two Istripura Caverns (no names mentioned), which are reputed to be around 600 m and 150 m long and containing large underground galleries and lakes (note 0).CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend, religious folk lore: See –>Istripura Cave (Pannala). CAVE POTENTIAL: CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974, 1983: 145): At Istripura north of Welimada are … a series of caverns, only very slightly explored … are said to provide the longest underground galleries in the island. STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) suspect that –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) is connected with –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) 2: … deux grottes qui communiquent peutêtre entre les elles. On pénètre dans la première par une entrée basse qui donne accès à 3 couloirs. Also found in the vicinity of Istripura Cave (Welimada) is not only –>AA Cave (Baker) and the caves at –>Hakgala, –>Luckyland Estate, and –>Padanwela (near Wilson's Bungalow), but also the possibly accessible sinking stream resurging at –>Sita Kund (Hakgala). SPELEOMETRY: STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) ascribe about 600 m of length to Istri-gal-lena près de Welimada (note 11) but may have confused this length and Istripura Cave with the –>Itripura Cave (Pannala), which they have also visited but described without mentioning any length. COURBON & CHABERT (1989: 81) take the 600 m for granted and report that Siffre (SIFFRE 1975: 29-30) gave an estimated length of about 600 m for Istripura Cave (Pannala), while P. Strinati found Istri-gal-lena cave (Welimada) to also be 600 m long (note 12). CAVE CLIMATE: Temperature 24°C on 17th January (STRINATI & AELLEN 1981: 459). CAVE LIFE: BRIGNOLI (1972) deals with spiders (Arachnida: Aranea) collected on 1970.01.17 from Grotta di Istri-gal-lena, Welimada by Pierre Strinati and Villy Aellen. Page 924 mentions immature specimens of Campostichomma (Agelenidae). STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) noticed bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideros sp.), toads (Rana gracilis Gravenhorst), spiders (BRIGNOLI 1972), collembola and crickets (Orthoptera).0).CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend, religious folk lore: See –>Istripura Cave (Pannala). CAVE POTENTIAL: CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974, 1983: 145): At Istripura north of Welimada are … a series of caverns, only very slightly explored … are said to provide the longest underground galleries in the island. STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) suspect that –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) is connected with –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) 2: … deux grottes qui communiquent peutêtre entre les elles. On pénètre dans la première par une entrée basse qui donne accès à 3 couloirs. Also found in the vicinity of Istripura Cave (Welimada) is not only –>AA Cave (Baker) and the caves at –>Hakgala, –>Luckyland Estate, and –>Padanwela (near Wilson's Bungalow), but also the possibly accessible sinking stream resurging at –>Sita Kund (Hakgala). SPELEOMETRY: STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) ascribe about 600 m of length to Istri-gal-lena près de Welimada (note 11) but may have confused this length and Istripura Cave with the –>I0).CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend, religious folk lore: See –>Istripura Cave (Pannala). CAVE POTENTIAL: CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974, 1983: 145): At Istripura north of Welimada are … a series of caverns, only very slightly explored … are said to provide the longest underground galleries in the island. STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) suspect that –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) is connected with –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) 2: … deux grottes qui communiquent peutêtre entre les elles. On pénètre dans la première par une entrée basse qui donne accès à 3 couloirs. Also found in the vicinity of Istripura Cave (Welimada) is not only –>AA Cave (Baker) and the caves at –>Hakgala, –>Luckyland Estate, and –>Padanwela (near Wilson's Bungalow), but also the possibly accessible sinking stream resurging at –>Sita Kund (Hakgala). SPELEOMETRY: STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) ascribe about 600 m of length to Istri-gal-lena près de Welimada (note 11) but may have confused this length and Istripura Cave with the –>I0).CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend, religious folk lore: See –>Istripura Cave (Pannala). CAVE POTENTIAL: CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974, 1983: 145): At Istripura north of Welimada are … a series of caverns, only very slightly explored … are said to provide the longest underground galleries in the island. STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) suspect that –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) is connected with –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) 2: … deux grottes qui communiquent peutêtre entre les elles. On pénètre dans la première par une entrée basse qui donne accès à 3 couloirs. Also found in the vicinity of Istripura Cave (Welimada) is not only –>AA Cave (Baker) and the caves at –>Hakgala, –>Luckyland Estate, and –>Padanwela (near Wilson's Bungalow), but also the possibly accessible sinking stream resurging at –>Sita Kund (Hakgala). SPELEOMETRY: STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) ascribe about 600 m of length to Istri-gal-lena près de Welimada (note 11) but may have confused this length and Istripura Cave with the –>I0).CULTURAL HISTORY - cave legend, religious folk lore: See –>Istripura Cave (Pannala). CAVE POTENTIAL: CEYLON TRAVELLER (1974, 1983: 145): At Istripura north of Welimada are … a series of caverns, only very slightly explored … are said to provide the longest underground galleries in the island. STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) suspect that –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) is connected with –>Istripura Cave (Welimada) 2: … deux grottes qui communiquent peutêtre entre les elles. On pénètre dans la première par une entrée basse qui donne accès à 3 couloirs. Also found in the vicinity of Istripura Cave (Welimada) is not only –>AA Cave (Baker) and the caves at –>Hakgala, –>Luckyland Estate, and –>Padanwela (near Wilson's Bungalow), but also the possibly accessible sinking stream resurging at –>Sita Kund (Hakgala). SPELEOMETRY: STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) ascribe about 600 m of length to Istri-gal-lena près de Welimada (note 11) but may have confused this length and Istripura Cave with the –>Itripura Cave (Pannala), which they have also visited but described without mentioning any length. COURBON & CHABERT (1989: 81) take the 600 m for granted and report that Siffre (SIFFRE 1975: 29-30) gave an estimated length of about 600 m for Istripura Cave (Pannala), while P. Strinati found Istri-gal-lena cave (Welimada) to also be 600 m long (note 12). CAVE CLIMATE: Temperature 24°C on 17th January (STRINATI & AELLEN 1981: 459). CAVE LIFE: BRIGNOLI (1972) deals with spiders (Arachnida: Aranea) collected on 1970.01.17 from Grotta di Istri-gal-lena, Welimada by Pierre Strinati and Villy Aellen. Page 924 mentions immature specimens of Campostichomma (Agelenidae). STRINATI & AELLEN (1981: 459) noticed bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideros sp.), toads (Rana gracilis Gravenhorst), spiders (BRIGNOLI 1972), collembola and crickets (Orthoptera).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1835, circa: Major FORBES (1840, 1841 vol. 2: 126) gives the impression of having noticed between Himbleatwelle [unidentified] and Fort M'Donald (N06°57': E080°53') a karst surface when he had re-crossed the Ooma-oya [Uma Oya N06°55'02”: E080°57'18” WGS84], and perceived that the stream had the same impetuous character, and that its banks preserved the same wild and rugged scenery as had attracted my attention in its downward course through Gampaha (N06°43': E081°02'). 1970.01.17: Pierre Strinati and Villy Aellen visited, explored and collected cave life (STRINATI & AELLEN 1981: 1977). 1981: Boris SKET (1982) heading a group from Ljubljana University (Slovenia) … visited Istripura Cave near Hanguranketa [note 13] and the area of Jaffna Peninsula … (AELLEN, SKET & STRINATI 2001, page 1977). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.2ISTRIPURA CAVE, Welimada, 2nd
0.9Luckyland Estate Temple Cave
6.8Aa Cave (Baker 1855)
10.1Dimbooldene (Cave at)
10.9PADANWELA (Cave at)
10.9HAKGALA (Cave at)
12.5SITA KUND, Hakgala
16.4Dowa Rock Temple