In the Khurma valley (note 2) and about 5 km west of Tilatsumdo (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 50), the halting place Tilut Sumdo (33°44'30”: E077°17') lies on AMS sheet NI43-12 Marstelang, U502 series, 1963 edition) at linear distances of 58 km south-west from Leh (34°10'N: 77°35'E), 45 km north-east of Padum (Padam, padum N33°28': E076°53') and 14 km WNW from Khurna Sumdo (N33°42': E077°22') or 17.5 km west from the pass Ruberung La (N33°45': E077°25').padum N33°28': E076°53') and 14 km WNW from Khurna Sumdo (N33°42': E077°22') or 17.5 km west from the pass Ruberung La (N33°45': E077°25').
Brief description
No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for an obviously sacred cave, complete with an unspecified lingam (perhaps a stalagmite speleothem), which occurs in limestone at a remote location. The temple cave is said (note 1) to be not only venerated (literally: touched) by women desiring children but also by wolfes and bears retreating in autumn time: Un grotte [sans nom?] dans les calcaires contient un lingam … Les femmes stériles viennent toucher ce rocher dans l'espoir d'avoir un enfant. La région est infestée de loups et d'ours. En été, les ours bruns se réfugient dans les grottes de la vallée de Khurma (DUCLUZAUX 1993d: 50).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
43.7 | PHARKA GOMPA | ||
43.7 | CHEMREY GOMPA, Chimre | ||
47.4 | Thakoor Dwara (Caves near) | ||
48.0 | KOTSANG PHUG, Hemis | ||
53.9 | THIKSEY GOMPA (Caves at) | ||
56.2 | SASPOL (Caves of) | ||
57.0 | Nyizlapug Caves | ||
61.6 | Taktok (Caves at) | ||