Tham Insaram - LO0098

เอราวัณ (TH)
Longueur 70m Profondeur 70m
Grottocenter / carte


The campsite is 2.5 km north the road about halfway between Ban Non Kok Chan and Ban Wang Muang, just wets of a large quarry. From the campsite walk to the northern side of the hill and climb up. Martin Ellis - 18/03/2020


Martin Ellis - 18/03/2020

The cave is a cleft with a vertical range of 70 m.


2016-06-13 A. Thoma Martin Ellis - 18/03/2020

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
4.5Tham Phu Fang [LO0194]
4.8Tham Pha Noi - LO0067
5.1Nam (Tham) [LO0209]
5.2Tham Air - Tham Phra Thatu [LO0208]
5.5Tham Kham Sap Mongkhon - LO0099
7.1Tham Khao Aram - LO0061
8.0Tham Soonan Taa Raam [LO0121]
8.6Tham Piya 2 [LO0120]250
8.6Tham Piya - LO00901000