A relatively small, man-made rock-cut chamber (troglodyte cave temple), which is not only said to measure »about five feet square« (RAPER 1812: 458) but also to be »very narrow« (ELIADE 1996: 316, 1998: 316), was said to have been inhabited by a »fakir« (RAPER 1810: 458; 1812: 458) or saddhu during the annual mela (fair) at Haridwar (note 1). ETYMOLOGY: The Sanskrit "ghora" (literally: frightful, disagreeable) is not only the word for a horse but also the name of a son of Vayu, the god of the wind; presiding deity of the air; allegorically representing power; a Vidarbhan king; the higher nature of man; an epithet of Shiva. »Bhíma Ghórá … [it] is said, that Bhima was posted here, to prevent the river [Ganges] from taking another course. … they pretend it [the rock chamber] was occasioned by a kick from the horse on which Bhima [note 2] was mounted« (RAPER 1812: 458). SITUATION: »Bhíma Ghórá« (RAPER 1810: 458; 1812: 458), »Bhimgoda« (OLDHAM, R D 1884: 166), indicated as »Bhimgogda 476« (metres above sea level) on the Survey of India sheet 53-K/01 (edition 1972), »situated to the N. W. of the town [note 2]; and the road to it lies over the mountain contiguous to Harca-Pairì« or Har-ki Pairi (note 3): »It is in a small recess of the mountain, which is a perpendicular solid rock, about three hundred and fifty feet [107 m] in height … immediately above the bath [Har-ki Pairi], about twelve feet from the ground« (RAPER 1810: 458; 1812: 458). SITUATION 1930: The cave is reached by following the road which runs from Haridwar initially along the river (Ganges), later across a mountain and via Rishikesh (about 18 km approximately north of Haridwar) towards Dehra Dun. The entrance itself lies high up on a mountain and had been reached (in 1930 ±1) by a flight of iron stairs (ELIADE 1996: 316, 1998: 316). SITUATION 1828: On a »rocky summit of the hill, over the lake« in the vicinity of the bungalow at »Hurdwar« (Haridwar), from where the »… road into the valley of the Dhoon [Dehra Dun] is a very fine one, cut over the river in the bosom of the hills, and built up with masonry on the outward side. Above it is a prettily-situated bungalow, which commands a magnificent view of the winding river, and the hills around it. At the end of this pass, and just beneath the hill, stands a large lake, by the banks of which there is a small pagoda. It is very retired and pretty …« (SKINNER 1832, 1: 189). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1828: »In the height of the fair at Hurdwar« Captain Thomas Skinner (1840? - 1843) »… observed a small door, cut into the rocky summit of the hill, over the lake, and about twenty feet above it, to which many people were ascending, by ladders fastened at its threshold. Garlands of flowers hung around it, and an aromatic smell on approaching it, gave intelligence of some dark mystery being performed within it. It was a sanctuary of the god of fruitfulness; and many wives were engaged in imploring the blessing of progeny. I did not venture to intrude, on discovering to whom it was sacred; and indeed my near approach seemed to cause some uneasiness among those who waited around it« (SKINNER 1832, 1: 189-190). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1810: »Bhìm Ghórá« has not only been identified as an »… artificial excavation in the rock« but also as a »cave is about five feet [1.5 m] square … Ladders are planted for the convenience of the curious, who may be desirous of convincing themselves of the powers which this horse was reported to possess« (RAPER 1810: 458; 1812: 458). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1996: Visitors are not allowed to have a look (darshan) at the temple erected in a kind "cave" (note 4), which is said to have been excavated in an un-artistic manner, very narrow and devoid of noteworthy pictures (ELIADE 1996: 316, 1998). CULTURAL HISTORY - Cave legend: Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers (the five sons of Pandu: Yudhi-sthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Saha-deva), personalities in the Mahabharata, is said to have been posted here to prevent the Alaknanda river from taking a different course.
NOTE 1: Haridwar (Haradwar, Hardwar, Hurdwar, literally: "gateway of the gods") near N29°58': E078°10' ( accessed 16.11.2003) and IMPERIAL GAZETTEER (1907-1909, 13: 51). NOTE 2: »Bhima -- Mahabharata hero; he is the brother of Hanuman and renowned for his great strength« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005: 1105; 2009: 1207. LONELY PLANET, North India 2001: 890). NOTE 3: RAPER (1810, 1812) placed »Bhima Ghora« at an unspecified distance north-east of Haridwar while LONELY PLANET, North India (2001: 489) and LONELY PLANET, India (1997: 393; 2005: 413) has a »Bhimgoda Tank« (formed by a blow from Bhima's knee) about a kilometre north of the Har-ki-Pairi (the main bathing ghat at Haridwar) and about 150 m short of the Jai Ram Ashram. NOTE 4: »Harca-Pairi« (RAPER 1810: 458; 1812: 458) is indicated as »Hari ki Pairi Ghat« on the Survey of India sheet 53-K/01 (1972 edition). Seen through the backpacker's lense, the »Har-ki-Pairi (footstep of god)« (LONELY PLANET, North India 2001: 486) surrounds the town's main bathing ghat and is not only a maze of shops selling religious paraphernalia but also is the most interesting part of Haridwar town. NOTE 5: »Ich … folge der Landstraße, die zuerst parallel zum Fluß über den Berghang führt und dann in den Wald [Gandes Reserved Forest] Richtung Rishikesh [18 km approximately north of Haridwar]abbiegt. Ich besichtige zwei ungewöhnliche Tempel, die beide in Höhlen errichtet wurden [q.v. Cave at –>Hardwar , Eliade 1996: 117]. Der erste liegt weit oben am Berg, so daß ich eine Eisentreppe hochsteigen muß, um zu ihm zu gelangen. Betreten darf man ihn nicht, aber das tut nichts, da er sehr schmal und ungekonnt behauen ist und außerdem keine bedeutenden Bilder besitzt« (ELIADE 1996: 316 -- pointed out to me by Manfred Moser, Regensburg 2005.07.24 personal correspondence).
Cavités proche
Distance (km) | Nom | Longueur (m) | Profondeur (m) |
1.8 | VAISHNO DEVI, Haridwar (Cave of) | ||
2.4 | GORAKHNATH CAVE, Haridwar | ||
2.4 | MARKANDEYA, Kuhu nala (Cave of) | ||
2.5 | Hardwar (Cave at) | ||
19.6 | Ganesh Gufa, Rishikesh | ||
19.6 | RISHIKESH (Eliade 1996: 347) (Caves at) | ||
19.6 | Ramtirtha Swami (Cave of) |