NIANGLABEIT 1, relic (Krem)

(Pynursla - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to an estimated 15 m long relic cave passage (on average, 2.5 m wide and 3.5 m high), which is abandoned by flowing water and characterised by unidentified peculiarities (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss: Krem Nianglabeit). ETYMOLOGY: At the current state of cave tourism in search of recreational adventure, the meaning of the Khasi cave name -Krem Nianglabeit- has not yet been discovered (note 1). Literally translated, however, -nianglabeit- may mean perpendicular bug and this seems to be as good a terminology as snot-gobbler or better (note 2). SITUATION: Both of the two Nianglabeit cave entrances were understood to lie in the same valley (unidentified name) about 500 m south from a village called after the -Hair Stream- or Umniuh (note 3) and Umnuih (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss) and at an unspecified location (note 4) somewhere on the south-east sideof the road from Pynursla (I.B. N25°18'33”: E091°53'51”: 1505 m asl WGS84) generally south-west to Nongri (N25°11'28”: E091°47'38: circa 350 m asl WGS84) and Nongjri Bazar (N25°10'45”: E091°48'18”: 80 m asl WGS84).An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to an estimated 15 m long relic cave passage (on average, 2.5 m wide and 3.5 m high), which is abandoned by flowing water and characterised by unidentified peculiarities (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss: Krem Nianglabeit). ETYMOLOGY: At the current state of cave tourism in search of recreational adventure, the meaning of the Khasi cave name -Krem Nianglabeit- has not yet been discovered (note 1). Literally translated, however, -nianglabeit- may mean perpendicular bug and this seems to be as good a terminology as snot-gobbler or better (note 2). SITUATION: Both of the two Nianglabeit cave entrances were understood to lie in the same valley (unidentified name) about 500 m south from a village called after the -Hair Stream- or Umniuh (note 3) and Umnuih (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss) and at an unspecified location (note 4) somewhere on the south-east sideAn unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to an estimated 15 m long relic cave passage (on average, 2.5 m wide and 3.5 m high), which is abandoned by flowing water and characterised by unidentified peculiarities (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss: Krem Nianglabeit). ETYMOLOGY: At the current state of cave tourism in search of recreational adventure, the meaning of the Khasi cave name -Krem Nianglabeit- has not yet been discovered (note 1). Literally translated, however, -nianglabeit- may mean perpendicular bug and this seems to be as good a terminology as snot-gobbler or better (note 2). SITUATION: Both of the two Nianglabeit cave entrances were understood to lie in the same valley (unidentified name) about 500 m south from a village called after the -Hair Stream- or Umniuh (note 3) and Umnuih (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss) and at an unspecified location (note 4) somewhere on the south-east sideAn unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is said to give access to an estimated 15 m long relic cave passage (on average, 2.5 m wide and 3.5 m high), which is abandoned by flowing water and characterised by unidentified peculiarities (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss: Krem Nianglabeit). ETYMOLOGY: At the current state of cave tourism in search of recreational adventure, the meaning of the Khasi cave name -Krem Nianglabeit- has not yet been discovered (note 1). Literally translated, however, -nianglabeit- may mean perpendicular bug and this seems to be as good a terminology as snot-gobbler or better (note 2). SITUATION: Both of the two Nianglabeit cave entrances were understood to lie in the same valley (unidentified name) about 500 m south from a village called after the -Hair Stream- or Umniuh (note 3) and Umnuih (Tyler 2001.05.25 Mss) and at an unspecified location (note 4) somewhere on the south-east sideof the road from Pynursla (I.B. N25°18'33”: E091°53'51”: 1505 m asl WGS84) generally south-west to Nongri (N25°11'28”: E091°47'38: circa 350 m asl WGS84) and Nongjri Bazar (N25°10'45”: E091°48'18”: 80 m asl WGS84).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2001.01.06: Guided by Jamphang Nassar and Kiwel Khiewiam to Krem Nianglabeit, Adora Thabah and Jatwah Khongwar surveyed bats whilst Andrew 'Andy' Peter Tyler and Allard Diengdoh estimated some dimensions of the bat's substrate. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.0NIANGLABEIT 2, active (Krem)
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2.4MAWSIAR, Nongjri, East (Cave near)
3.3DUKABOR (Krem)
3.4KURDROT (Krem)
3.4MAWKANONG, Wah Thyllong (Krem)
3.4WAH SYNREM (Krem)
3.6WAH THYLLONG, Nongjri - Therria (Krem)
3.6BHUBAN CAVE (Jones 1827)