(ہنزہ - PK)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An 3 m or 5 m wide and 7 m or 8 m high cave entrance, which faces an unidentified direction, gives access to an inhabitable and estimated 10 m long rift cave passage which has allegedly formed in an unidentified, so-called -non-karstic- or, perhaps, non-carbonate rock. SITUATION: At a vaguely defined location (note 1) in the north-east of Pasu (Passu), about 5 km into the Shimshal Gorge (note 2) and on the northern bank of Shimshal River (BROOKS 1993c), which flows south of (the mountain) Jurjur Khona Sar (note 3) from east to west. ETYMOLOGY: So far, all of the two involved caving experts thought up only four spelling versions of the Jurhurai Boe (Wakhi) or -Cave [at the base of the mountain] Jurjur (note 4) have been thought up, which include grotte de Jeerjeer DUCLUZAUX (1993 Mss, 1993d: 50) Jeerjeer Abri DUCLUZAUX (1994c: 37) Jur Jur Bou BROOKS (1993c: 7 cave survey; 1994c: 14) Jurjure Boy BROOKS (1993c: 3). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1993a: Jurjure Boy (BROOKS 1993c: 3) or Jur Jur Bou (BROKS 1993c: 7 cave plan): A relatively impressive cave entrance, which is an estimated 5.5 m wide and 7 m high, gives access to a sloping rift passage (7 m by 1.65 m either high and wide or wide and high) that leads after 17 m to a blank wall. The inhabitable cave is occasionally used as a refuge by road crews working on the Shimshal road and consequently resembles the -Marie Selest- inside (BROOKS, S J 1993c: 3). Formation of the cave seems to have been by gravitational disintegration of the more or less vertically fractured rock, followed by action of the nearby Shimshal river washing debris away. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1993b: La grotte de Jeer Jeer [sic!] est une grande fissure dans la roche avec une petite source à côté. Elle se trouve près de la limite calcaire - schiste, en rive droite de la vallée (DUCLUZAUX, B 1993d: 50). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1994a: BROOKS (1994c: 14, with cave plan) spells Jur Jur Bou and repeats BROOKS (1993c) word by word but swoops the spelling Marie Selest (BROOKS 193c: 3) for Mari Selest (BROOKS 1994c: 14), probably in view of Mary Celeste or Marie Celeste (note 5). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1994b: Jeerjeer: Abri sous roche non karstique (profondeur 10 m, hauteur 8 à 3 m, largeur 3 à 1 m). Sert de campement pour la nuit, petite source à côté (DUCLUZAUX, B 1994c: 37): An estimated 3 m to 1 m wide, 8 m to 3 m high, and 10 m -deep- rock shelter in non-karstic rock; downstream of a spring (estimated flow of 10 or 20 ltr/sec) issuing nearby, and used as an overnight camping place.KS 1993c: 7 cave plan): A relatively impressive cave entrance, which is an estimated 5.5 m wide and 7 m high, gives access to a sloping rift passage (7 m by 1.65 m either high and wide or wide and high) that leads after 17 m to a blank wall. The inhabitable cave is occasionally used as a refuge by road crews working on the Shimshal road and consequently resembles the -Marie Selest- inside (BROOKS, S J 1993c: 3). Formation of the cave seems to have been by gravitational disintegration of the more or less vertically fractured rock, followed by action of the nearby Shimshal river washing debris away. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1993b: La grotte de Jeer Jeer [sic!] est une grande fissure dans la roche avec une petite source à côté. Elle se trouve près de la limite calcaire - schiste, en rive droite de la vallée (DUCLUZAUX, B 1993d: 50). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1994a: BROOKS (1994c: 14, with cave plan) spells Jur Jur Bou and repeats BROOKS (1993c) word by word but swoops the spelling Marie Selest (BROOKS 193c: 3) for Mari Selest (BROOKS 1994c: 14), probably in view of Mary Celeste or Marie Celeste (note 5). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1994b: Jeerjeer: Abri sous roche non karstique (profondeur 10 m, hauteur 8 à 3 m, largeur 3 à 1 m). Sert de campement pour la nuit, petite source à côté (DUCLUZAUX, B 1994c: 37): An estimated 3 m to 1 m wide, 8 m to 3 m high, and 10 m -deep- rock shelter in non-karstic rock; downstream of a spring (estimated flow of 10 or 20 ltr/sec) issuing nearby, and used as an overnight camping place.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1990.07.15 - 08.03: Simon J. Brooks, heading seven members of Orpheus Caving Club (Derbyshire, UK) commenced spotting the entrance. 1993.07: Simon J. Brooks, Jennifer 'Jenni' or 'Jenny' A. Brooks, Helen Harper, Rob Harper and Christopher M. Smart surveyed the cave (BROOKS (1993c:3) to a degree resulting in a cave plan (BROOKS 1993c: 7) titled 'Jur Jur Bou.' 1993.08.12: DUCLUZAUX (1993 MSS, 1993d: 50, 1994c: 37) and Gilles Rousson visited. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
3.7Shimshal (Grotta nella)
7.0KILPIT BOU (Brooks 1994)
11.1Murdar Westie Bou (Brooks 1994)
13.2BOEBOE 1