Wene Kalo (Holqa)

(West Harerghe - ET)
Longueur 109m Profondeur 24m
Grottocenter / carte


A short drive from the village is followed by a 20 minute walk down an easy path to very near the foot of the valley. The entrance is located in a cliff face 10m above and to the left of the path. GS Vulcains - 04/01/2020


GS Vulcains - 04/01/2020

The narrow entrance leads to a low dusty passage which continues left into a 5m flat out crawl. To the left is the guano covered slippery slope to Bat Roost Aven where there is a large bat colony. The way on is to the right through Fossil Passage to High Aven and the terminal passage. From the crawl onwards the cave walls are full of fossils.

Cavités proche

Distance (km)NomLongueur (m)Profondeur (m)
0.8Enkuftu O Kabanawa40554
3.2Holka Baro 22315
3.2Holqa Bero88438
3.6Gondha Dadhii 1 (Enkuftu)15-15
3.6Gondha Dadhii 2 (Enkuftu)6-6
3.9Holka Bortee23615
4.6Holqa Nanoo45710
18.3Adaangur (Holka) [Adaanguv]3414