The Survey of India sheet 78-K/SE (edition 1930) indicates the suspicious place name »Dobakkholgiri« (1926 edition) or »Dobakkhol« (1930 edition) near N25°11'10”: E090°46'40” (WGS84 modified from Everest 1830) at a place immediately west of the village of Rongra and above the western (orographically right) bank of the river »Rongra N« (nala, 1926 edition) or »Rongra or Ganeseri R« (river, 1930 edition). The Garo place name (and cave name?) »Dobhakolgiri« (Bat Cave village) or simply »Dobhakol« (Bat Cave) appears to correspond to the »Cavern on the Ganeshwári [Gonaseri] river« noticed by HUNTER, W W (1897, 2: 142), who counted among the »picturesque natural phenomena, etc.« of the »Gáro Hills … one or two caverns [probably in the sense of a large cave] … in the limestone formation along the course of the Sameswarí and Ganeshwári rivers.« LOCATION: »There are several picturesque gorges in the upper valleys of the Sameswarí, Ganeshwarí, Netái, and Mahádeo rivers [note 1]. The sides of the valleys are clothed with splendid forest, tree ferns, and creepers, which, combined with the bluff, broken appearance of some of the hills, make up a very lovely landscape« (HUNTER, W W 1897, 2: 143).
NOTE 1: »Sameswarí« (HUNTER 1897, 2: 143) or »Simsang R … Someswarí« (Survey of India sheet 78-K/SE, 1926 edition) and »Simsang« (SI sheet 78-K/SE, edition 1930) is the »Someswari« in the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 45 F4). »Ganeshwarí« (HUNTER 1897, 2: 143) corresponds to the »Rongra N« (78-K/SE, 1926) and »Rongra or Gonaseri R« (78-K/SE, 1930). »Netái« (HUNTER 1897, 2: 143) or Nitai in Bangladesh is the river Dareng in the Garo Hills. »Mahádeo« (HUNTER 1897, 2: 143) corresponds to the »Mahadeo N« (78-K/SE, 1926) and »Mahadeo« (78-K/SE, 1930).
Bibliography 28/03/2016- Hunter, William Wilson 1879 edited 1990, 1998.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
1.6 | MINGSINGKOL | ||
6.5 | PENDA CAVE | ||
7.7 | PENDA POT 1 | ||
7.7 | PENDA POT 2 (aa -) | ||
7.7 | PENDA POT 3 (aa -) | ||
7.9 | Arang Patal | ||
8.0 | KANAI CAVE | ||
8.0 | KANAI SINK |