NONGBAH CAVE, Wahlong (aa -)
NOTE 1: The Khasi "ka nong" (noun) is a contraction of ”ka shnong” (SINGH, N 1906: 197) and the word for »a village; a town« (SINGH, N 1906: 144) but "ka nong" (feminine) and "u nong" (masculine) is not only the word for »the resident of a village« and »a doer; an agent« (SINGH, N 1906: 144), just like verbal nouns of agency are formed by prefixing "nong" to the root, e.g. "u nong knia" = the sacrificer (GURDON 1906: 209) but also for »a hired man or woman; anything hired out« (SINGH, N 1906: 144). On the other hand, the feminine "ka nong" is not only a contraction of ”ka rnong” and signifies »the brass; the bronze« (SINGH, N 1906: 144) but is also the word for »the wages, the gain, the profit« and for a square measure covering »6 dieng by 2 dieng« (SINGH, N 1906: 144) or circa 8.7 m by 5.8 m (about 50 square metres). The adjective "[ba] bah" is generally joined with a noun in its abbreviated form (as in: mawbah, 'radbah) and means »great, big« (SINGH, N 1906: 7). The noun "u bah" (vocative case) is the word for »an elder brother« and a term of respect (SINGH, N 1906: 7). The verb "bah" has been translated by »to carry on one's back; to bear« (SINGH, N 1906: 7); »to bear; to carry« (SINGH, N 1920: 39, 61); »to carry« (OLDHAM, T 1854 / 1984 appendix C: lxiv). NOTE 2: A populated place called »Nongbah« (Kharpran Daly 1996.03.17 personal communication) or "big village" is not shown on the relevant Survey of India sheet 78-O/12 (editions 1912, 1937) only a perhaps contrary or corresponding »Nongrit« (small village) is indicated not only as »Nongrait« (edition 1912) but also as »Nongriat« (edition 1937) near (±150 m) N25°14'45”: E091°40'00” (WGS84 modified from N25°14'43”: E091°40'10” Everest 1830). There is another Nongbah N25°32': E092°16' ( accessed 16.11.2003) in the Jaintia Hills shown on AMS sheet NG46-10 Shillong (U502 series, 1959 edition) and on the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 46 A3 B3) north-east of Jowai and south-east of Nartiang: »Nongbah … is a good sized District, situated on high ground, but it has a very fair proportion of irrigated lands …« (Hudson, C K 1858.08.13 in: ALLEN, W J 1858 appendix 8 no. 14).NOTE 3: Wahlong, literally: Big Stream (of water), is the same as »Wolong« (Major Bivar in: MEDLICOTT, H B 1865: 391 table) and »Wullong« (MEDLICOTT, H B 1865: 421). In November 1995 I recorded at a populated place called Wahlong the GPS position (±150 m) 25°12'29”N: 91°43'25”E : circa (±200 m) 800 m asl (WGS84 modified from 25°12'27”N: 91°43'35”E Everest 1830, Gebauer, H D undated 1995 November unstable 4-channel GPS Garmin 4) where the Survey of India sheets 78-O/12 indicate a village called »Mawthangsokkhyllum« (edition 1912) or »Mawthangsok Khyllum« (edition 1937), apparently a contraction of "maw" (stone) + "thang" (to burn, deflagrate, enkindle, fire, light) + "soh khyllum" »a sour fruit resembling a guava« (SINGH, N 1906: 207). NOTE 4: »Komorroh« (Kharpran Daly 1996.03.17), Komorah (or so) is not shown on the Survey of India sheet 78-O/12 editions of 1912 and 1937 but Colin Rogers (2001.03.21 personal communication with H.D. Gebauer) came across a »Komora Limestone Mining Company« (KLMC) with a quarry near N25°10'35”: E091°44'10” (WGS84) in the valley of an Arli River, a tributary to the Shenab.
An unidentified cave and insurgence (sink), which is said to lie somewhere near one village of Nongbah, is reputed to drain to a karst spring (resurgence) somewhere at Komora (Brian D. Kharpran Daly 1996.03.17 personal communication). Compare the cave near –>Komora. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for a cave and insurgence near Nongbah or »Big Village« (note 1). SITUATION: Unknown. Somewhere at a place called »Nongbah« (note 2), which is said to lie somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Wahlong, Mawthangsok Khyllum or Mawthangsokkhyllum (note 3). »Komora« (Kharpran Daly 1996.03.17), Komorah, Komorroh, or so (note 4) is suspected to lie approximately SSE from Wahlong and at considerably lower elevations somewhere near Therria / Therriaghat (N25°10'45”: E091°45'05” WGS84) or Bholaganj (N25°09'47”: E091°44'45” WGS84) on the north-western (right) bank of the Shenab.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | Wahlong Cave | ||
0.3 | LAIT (Krem U) | ||
0.7 | SHLEM KHLA (Krem) | ||
0.8 | RI BLAI (Krem) | ||
0.9 | WAHLONG CAVE (Warren 2004) (aa -) | ||
1.6 | Lyndad Pyngkat (Krem) | ||
1.9 | MAWRAMDAH (Krem) | ||
2.3 | SHOH SHIAP 1 (Krem) | ||
2.3 | SHOH SHIAP 2 (Krem) |