Holqa Awufatan
(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 85m Depth 1m
Brief description
The entrance leads into a low and watery passage. Progress is often on hands and knees in the water through several bends and a tight section after which it becomes easier for 35 meters of perfectly straight passage. After a sharp right turn the passage becomes low, tight and impassable
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
1.7 | Gudda (Holqa) | 33 | -15 |
3.3 | Kike (Enkuftu) | 8 | -5 |
4.3 | Gola (Holqa) | 150 | 3 |
5.8 | Gojel (Goda) | 28 | -5 |
7.1 | Holqa Calloo 3 | 38 | 8 |
7.3 | Holqa Calloo 1 | 36 | 4 |
7.3 | Holqa Calloo 2 | 32 | 7 |
9.9 | Ahmed Dawid (Holqa) | 2 | 0 |
10.0 | Naniga (Goda) | 12 | 0 |