JON (Ghar i)

(ولسوالی سالنگ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The two cave entrances leading Ghar-i Jon (note 1) are locally well known. Man-made walls near the entrance, rock art (engravings) and disturbed pottery in the western branch indicate an archaeological potential (SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1: One obvious entrance (9 m wide and 7 m high) and a hidden entrance (obliterated by fallen boulders) to two passages. The north-west Passage (on average 2 m high) runs after some 250 m into a pool of liquid mud. The West Passage leads after about 100 m to a 4 m climb up into a chamber with bats. The cave contains speleothems, stalagmites, stalactites, columns, gour pools (SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975: 20-23 cave plan on page 21, cross-sections on page 22). CAVE POTENTIAL: : Good potential. Not pushed to a conclusion. SITUATION above the right bank of Salang river valley, and at a distance of 10 walking minutes from kilometre stone 97.2 on the road from Kabul to Mazar-i Sharif. CAVE LIFE: Chiroptera (SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975); Arachnid: Pseudoscorpiones: Chernitidae: Megachernes afghanicus Beier (JUBERTHIE & DECU 2001: 1745); Insecta: Coleoptera: Cholevidae: Eocatops lindbergi Coiffait recovered 1975 (JUBERTHIE & DECU 2001: 1748).: Pseudoscorpiones: Chernitidae: Megachernes afghanicus Beier (JUBERTHIE & DECU 2001: 1745); Insecta: Coleoptera: Cholevidae: Eocatops lindbergi Coiffait recovered 1975 (JUBERTHIE & DECU 2001: 1748).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1975 August: Montserrat Ubach (E.R.E. Catalunya, Barcelona), Claude Chabert and Nicole Boullier (Spéléo Club de Paris) explored and mapped (CHABERT & UBACH 1975, 1978; SPELEOLOGIE AFGHANE 1975: 20-23; COURBON & CHABERT edited by BOSTED & LINDSLEY 1989: 121). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0P. K. 103.2, Salang (Grotte du)
0.0P. K. 102.1, Salang (Grotte du)
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0.0Canyon 2, Salang (Grotte du)
0.0CANYON 3, Salang (Grotte du)
0.0Salang (Grotte-résurgence de la)
0.0HOTEL, Salang (Grotte de la)
0.6Ab Bar Amara (Ghar)
0.6Kaftar Khana