Yullang Cave

Hangrang (Kinnaur district - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


HERBERT (1825 location map) places »Yullang« near N31°54'15": E078°32'45" (disputable) and a village of »Yulang« is indicated near N31°55': E078°35' on AMS sheet NH44-01 Chini (U502 series, 1956 edition). BTH - 02/08/2024


Various information

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 05/07/2016

An unidentified cave ornamented with stalactites (speleothems) and a spring at the bottom of a limestone outcrop, from where issues a stream depositing calcareous tufa, described HERBERT, J D (1825: 389) from a certain Yulling or Yullang Nadi, a tributary from the west (right) to the »Setlej or Satúdrá« (Sutlej river). Herbert's description, however, concentrates on the deposits and their beauty but does not determine if the cave is developed in the limestone itself or if it is a primary cave that currently grows in accordance with the tufa (travertine) deposition: »At the place we crossed [the »Yulling« river indicated as »Yullang« on the map], a small rivulet joins it, which issues from a rocky cavern in a very picturesque cascade. The water of this fountain are so strongly impregnated with calcareous matter, as to deposit it on everything it touches, and the cave is ornamented with stalactites, something similarly to that in the Dún [Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal] called Sansár Dhárá [Shahastra Dhara], through it yields to this latter in the number, size and beauty of them. The rocks in the bed of the river are limestone, and the steep scarp which we had now to ascend appeared to be composed of calcareous earth, of that description found in the plains, called Konkar [kankar].«


Bibliography 05/07/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1819 October: Captain Herbert, J. D., 8th regt. N.I., camped near the cave. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 05/07/2016

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